By spaghett - 29/08/2016 20:32 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, after jumping into a public swimming pool, the female lifeguard, who I have had a crush on for years whistled at me. When I got out of the water, she handed me the bathing suit I'd apparently lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 159
You deserved it 1 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

joco4 27

How would you not know that you lost your bathing suit?

Sir_Cow 17

I hope you have a shower and not a grower.


Sir_Cow 17

I hope you have a shower and not a grower.

"I was in the pool! I WAS IN THE POOL!"

Lizzy500 16

"It shrinks?" "Like a frightened turtle" "I don't know how you guys walk around with those things."

joco4 27

How would you not know that you lost your bathing suit?

Plot twist : he knows his bathing suit was off but just wanted to show the lifeguard what he's packing.

It can happen if you do a dive straight in. If it's not tight enough, it can strip it right off of you and the shock of the cold (if you're jumping in for the first time that day) can be distracting enough to not notice it.

Pretend to drown and when she starts doing CPR, kiss her.

Sounds like you may have had some traumatic experiences #11...some that may have led you to say an expletive about your day? If only there was a site where you could share them... :P

I believe #4 was just making a joke in reference to the fake drowning/kissing seen from the movie, "The Sandlot"...

That's one way of showing her your shortcomings.

like whistle with a whistle? or whistled at you?

Hopefully the water wasn't too cold.

For your sake OP, I hope she doesn't judge off of that, FYL.