By Anonymous - 01/03/2013 12:02 - United States - Belmont

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because he didn't trust himself not to cheat on me. What? FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 749
You deserved it 4 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I guess that's better than him cheating on you. I mean, he's not the kind of scum that sees some hot piece of meat and jus thinks, "hey I wanna screw that chick, to hell with my girlfriend." Although the way he's worried about cheating, he should probably get help for sex addiction or something.

I think this is very responsible. If he knows he's not mature enough for a real relationship, it's better to end things quickly, and with less heartache.


NinaStraws 5

I completely understand that tbh.. I'd rather be broken up with for that reason than because he DID cheat on me.

If there is no trust why be in a relationship.

BreezZz 3

Us guys can never win. He broke up with you so he wouldn't hurt you and he's still wrong smh he did the right thing in my book

knoxxx 22

I think the issue is that the now ex-boyfriend tried to excuse himself from breaking up with her by saying he couldn't help it. He could help it, and it was a conscious decision whether it was the right one or not. Personally, I think it's a cowardly way to end a relationship. The best thing he could have said would be that he wants to break up because he wants to see other people.

I would guess that OP is hurt that her ex didn't love her enough to trust himself to remain faithful. Or maybe the ex has the sort of personality where he couldn't be faithful to anyone. I don't know. Either way, rejection still hurts. Yes, it's better that OP's ex was honest that he didn't think he could stay faithful, but it still must have been a mindfuck.

My last boyfriend did the same thing to me.

considered yourself future STD free.

Well then. He's clearly an immature douchebag and you're clearly better off without him.

CharresBarkrey 15

This was pretty mature of him. If this FML had been about the boyfriend cheating on her, you'd all be saying "what a douche, the least he could have done was break up with you first." He did it the right way.

beanthemouse 13

So that means it was better for him to cheat on her and make her find out, get angry and broken hearted than to simply confess before anything like that happens?

jopo_fml 1

It was a good thing. Either he has already or he has "dinner on the plate". Not worth the second thought.

Not everyone is monogamous. I'm not. Neither is my g/f. I'd be a poor fit for someone who expected monogamy. Fortunately I live in a place that has a pretty big polyamory crowd and that's the crowd I choose my dates from. It's a pity that the only framework most people, including this guy, have for non-monogamy is "cheating". But it's good that he stated up front that you shouldn't expect monogamy from him. In any event, FYL.

He did you a favour, OP. It sucks that it had to happen, but better to discover this flaw when he's your boyfriend rather than when he's your husband.