By inlovewithstupid - 04/09/2011 16:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend bitched me out for being too controlling. Apparently, not only am I being unreasonable by not wanting him visiting strip clubs with his friends, I'm also just "looking for excuses to get mad" at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 396
You deserved it 17 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Richard16 0

Get your self a male stripper... :)

my_usagi 0

Going to strip clubs and getting hard to girls taking off their clothes and dancing on your lap is cheating. It's different than ****. So, if you don't mind your bf watching girls strip at a club, what's the difference between that and him going over to his friend "sarahs" apartment so she can strip for him and give him a dance? What it's not like he's sleeping with her, right? If he thinks she's psycho for that. Then she can go dance naked and cocktease men, and if he doesn't like it, then he's "psycho".


Don't listen to anyone on his side, I think it's pretty reasonable for you not to want your boyfriend seeing other naked women.

fallapart 5

220- It's just a body? Why do you think clothes were made? You can say it has no "emotional ties" just because you're watching a stripper but you need to realize if you have a girlfriend, you need to understand her feelings first. If he wants to hang with his bros good for him, he can go drink beer instead of going to a strip bar.

fallapart 5

This is such a nice topic to have a debate on haa.

220- There also aren't any emotional ties with ****** and prostitutes. But f your significant other went out and slept with a couple of hookers every day, would that be okay? I mean, he comes home to you every night, right?

lydiapeach 1

Most REGULARS at a strip club are married and have wives that have no idea what's going down. These are usually the guys that try to pull stuff (like licking and touching). The men that come to the club to have fun with a group of friends are harmless by comparison. They tend to be more respectful and keep their hands to themselves when they get dances. Which type of guy would you rather have? It's better to go with your boyfriend or let him go with friends than to have him sneaking behind your back.

sailorguy 2

If going to a strip club is cheating on you, then when you go shoe shopping you're cheating on him. You're as emotionally involved with those shoes as he is with those strippers. Even worse, because he doesn't give a shit about the strippers, and you LOVE those ******* shoes.

he is in a relationship with you, not the strippers. it doesn't matter if he looks, he is coming home to you each night. besides, if your friends invited you to male entertainment I'm sure you would go!

catharsis5 9

He goes to a strip club you go to a strip club with your friends. What he can do, you should be able to do also.

FHL, there's no problem if he's going with friends, grow up and stop being so insecure.

imagineapc 11

Go with him. I go to strip clubs with my boyfriend all the time, we love it!

Women are natural control freaks. They have no comprehension of it. It's the downfall of most relationships unfortunately. You stand a better chance of asking a skunk not to spray than asking a women to not be a control freak.

If he does that then he is a psycho that fixates on one person too easily. If you know more than one person that does that on a regular basis you live in a psych ward.

jadejazmyn 5

lol so what's the problem w strip clubs don't be so insecure hun. hes w u right . right. as long as he gives it to you when he gets back no harm no foul lol. and if I was a man ida smacked you for even thinking about uttering that statement lmao.