By inlovewithstupid - 04/09/2011 16:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend bitched me out for being too controlling. Apparently, not only am I being unreasonable by not wanting him visiting strip clubs with his friends, I'm also just "looking for excuses to get mad" at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 396
You deserved it 17 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Richard16 0

Get your self a male stripper... :)

my_usagi 0

Going to strip clubs and getting hard to girls taking off their clothes and dancing on your lap is cheating. It's different than ****. So, if you don't mind your bf watching girls strip at a club, what's the difference between that and him going over to his friend "sarahs" apartment so she can strip for him and give him a dance? What it's not like he's sleeping with her, right? If he thinks she's psycho for that. Then she can go dance naked and cocktease men, and if he doesn't like it, then he's "psycho".


a_nutritionist 10

@301 yeah thanks for the irrelevant point. just because something is also commonly used to deteriorate relationships doesnt mean anything. i made the valid point that theyre used to strengthen relationships. did i say they cant be used poorly? did i say anything at all about success rates? no. because when used as an aide to improve relationships it usually works. your argument is redundant, because anything can be used incorrectly to a negative result, and that doesnt therefore negate any positive function they serve. @303 i also dont care what he did before you. ah youre 19, this explains why your world view of such things is so backwards. hopefully you grow out of this. goodluck with that. by the way, youre not entitled to give an opinion and not have people call you close minded. youre entitled to an opinion, thats where your entitlement ends.

304 - Get over yourself. You're just as imperfect as the rest of us. True, you said nothing about those points, but that could either mean you didn't know OR you simply didn't mention it. WHEN used as an aide, it usually works. Sure. But you didn't say that.

Sounds like my buddy and his messes up crazy girlfriend. He went out in Vegas and got lap dances and even visited the VIP room, but it's Vegas!!! She got mad, still even argues about it. Shes just sad because she isn't even close to being as hot as a stripper. He's so whipped he can't go again lol

Photographer2188 0

I have a ton of self respect im just not insecure with myself and I don't prison my boyfriend who I've been with for 4 years who's never cheated on me

Just because she doesn't want him to go to a strip club doesn't mean she's controlling, insecure or imprisoning her boyfriend.

a_nutritionist 10

@307 an "im sorry i wasted your time with stupid inane bullshit" would have sufficed. **** off. @310 ...i dont think you know what contradiction means, and clearly the numbers have changed. an idiot would have figured that out.

"**** off"? Am I getting on your nerves, OC? Tough shit. You DO need to get off your high horse; you always have. 310 - Having had those experiences as well, I can totally see where you're coming from. I would dislike if my boyfriend wanted to go to one with the boys, but who am I to stop him? I trust he won't do anything "bad". People need to respect that others have had different experiences and therefore may have different feelings about certain things...

dump his ass, he clearly has no respect for women and you can do better

bcol616 0

You are to controlling it would be worse if he went behind ur back loosen up and let him have fun

vanessa20783 6

He sounds immature. I would reconsider my relationship with someone like that.