By staciefacecat - 14/06/2016 01:03

Today, my drunk boyfriend flipped out and told me I was a total control freak, and that he couldn't handle how weird and clingy I am. All I did was ask if his phone was charged. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 078
You deserved it 1 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If that really is all you've ever done then of course your life sucks. I can see a proper talk is in order here though, as it looks like you may be doing more than you think

Drunk people do/say stupid shit so don't take it to heart but maybe bring up the topic when he's sober


If that really is all you've ever done then of course your life sucks. I can see a proper talk is in order here though, as it looks like you may be doing more than you think

I remember the first time my wife had the nerve to ask me if I needed laundry done... She knows damn well she's expected to wash each article as I use it. On a more serious note runaway while you still can... RUN FOREST RUN

Drunk people do/say stupid shit so don't take it to heart but maybe bring up the topic when he's sober

My ex once pissed up the side of chest of draws in the bedroom, then had an argument with me about how he was in the bathroom... Drunk people are a law unto them selves. Try not to take anything he said to heart I'm sure he didn't mean it.

Except isn't it said people tend to be more truthful when drunk? Lose your filter when drunk

Right, he may have been irritated by something for a long time but able to keep his thoughts and words filtered. You may have seen him without his carefully tended filter on, and you two need to talk about it. Because communication in a relationship is important. If he cannot say that something you do bothers him, it is a communication problem that needs discussed.

it is a fact that 80% of what a person says when they are drunk is true, sooo....

PePziNL 20

"Don't trust everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln, 1932

Oh my god OP, ever heard of personal space? Some things you're just not supposed to ask. Asking him if his phone was charged? Have you lost your mind?! You might as well shoot him with a gun while you're at it!

Not wanting to be a dick, but it was just the thing that made him snap.

Mother issues that need to be addressed in counseling

What does this have to do with mother issues"?

dswomi 12

Does the phrase "... because you always be on that phone!" ring a bell?

Hmm, on its own it's nothing but if are you sure it's not just the tip of the iceberg? Do you also ask him if he's packed his lunch, remembered to do his laundry, locked the back door etc? If so I could see why it would bug him.

I also think it's not the only thing you did that made him flip out. He probably wouldn't have said it if he was sober. Now that he did, you could have a talk with him to see what exactly bothers him and what you could do about it.