By inlovewithstupid - 04/09/2011 16:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend bitched me out for being too controlling. Apparently, not only am I being unreasonable by not wanting him visiting strip clubs with his friends, I'm also just "looking for excuses to get mad" at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 396
You deserved it 17 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Richard16 0

Get your self a male stripper... :)

my_usagi 0

Going to strip clubs and getting hard to girls taking off their clothes and dancing on your lap is cheating. It's different than ****. So, if you don't mind your bf watching girls strip at a club, what's the difference between that and him going over to his friend "sarahs" apartment so she can strip for him and give him a dance? What it's not like he's sleeping with her, right? If he thinks she's psycho for that. Then she can go dance naked and cocktease men, and if he doesn't like it, then he's "psycho".


not unreasonable at all. i do the same thing. though i told my bf the only way he's going is if i go too. lol.

I wouldn't be cool with my boyfriend going to a strip club either, unless it was a special event like a bachelor party. It's not a matter of trust or distrust or insecurity, I just find them tasteless. Let me clarify, the strippers aren't necessarily tasteless themselves, I'd assume the majority of them are doing what they have to do to support themselves. But the establishment itself is tasteless.

Am I the only one who thinks a dedicated couple should only admire each other's bodies and no one else's? I think it's beautiful when two people share that bond and only want to have and look at each other, and my boyfriend thinks the same thing. Besides, not wanting him to look at other women isn't mistrust, it's wanting to be his one and only and having a feeling that her body alone is good enough for him; otherwise body image problems may arise.

I wonder how he'd react if you went to see sexy male strippers with your friends

Tell him "if you can do it, so can I" and go visit a strip club yourself. You are being controlling by denying him this. I'm a married female, been with my guy for over 13 years. We go to strip clubs once in a while.