By inlovewithstupid - 04/09/2011 16:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend bitched me out for being too controlling. Apparently, not only am I being unreasonable by not wanting him visiting strip clubs with his friends, I'm also just "looking for excuses to get mad" at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 396
You deserved it 17 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Richard16 0

Get your self a male stripper... :)

my_usagi 0

Going to strip clubs and getting hard to girls taking off their clothes and dancing on your lap is cheating. It's different than ****. So, if you don't mind your bf watching girls strip at a club, what's the difference between that and him going over to his friend "sarahs" apartment so she can strip for him and give him a dance? What it's not like he's sleeping with her, right? If he thinks she's psycho for that. Then she can go dance naked and cocktease men, and if he doesn't like it, then he's "psycho".


kirstentaylorc 0

ive been to a strip club myself and have seen plenty of guys able to touch. they are only kicked out by bouncers if the stripper herself feels violated or uncomfortable. and im friends with strippers as well, so i dont have anything against them personally. just stating that her being uncomfortable with it isnt abnormal, i would be uncomfortable with it as well!

You just care about his well being, but if you trusted him enough, u know he wouldnt do anything to hurt you! get a stripper pole and do a couple spins for him lol

clementine00 1

I told my boyfriend that he could go to a strip club for a bachelor party, but he didn't go because he knew I didn't really want him to. if he can't respect your feelings, then you need someone who will.

OP sounds like she's uptight and self concious. lighten up it's just a titty bar. I don't know what guy you think is going to agree to odd conditions like these (not necessarily about titty bars). You totally deserve this.

bigmackin35 0
thiscrazything 1

Apparently he is too insensitive to care about yout feelings, so just don't worry about it and set up a weekly outing with your girlfriends to go to a male review.

Women like you make me sick! You have ZERO right to control a man, and in fact, as a women, I would personally kick your ass if I met someone like you. A. Sex has nothing to do with love, sex is purely physical, ask a doctor. B. Keep acting like you own him, and treat him like shit, and you are going to get your ass dumped. C. So what if he goes to a strip club? They're probably offering him a hell of a lot more then you are! You probably won't have sex with him when your on your period, because your such a prude, and don't understand that you can bend the f**k over! D. As I said, you don't own him, he can do as he pleases, as long as he is being cruelty-free. And then, when you go to strip clubs, he won't be able to protest, because it's the same thing. E. How would you like it if anyone tried to micro-manage your affairs, hmm? He sincerely needs to put you in your place, dump you, or beat you up, because you have no right to be this c*nt like to him.

Wow. You sexist bastard. It's not always the woman being a controlling douchebag... men are at fault in these kinds of situations just as much! Women like that make you sick? That's nice... judgmental adults full of assumptions make me sick. A - Sex has been proven to foster feelings of attachment in women. Ask a doctor whether sex is purely physical? Please. For some people it is, and they can separate emotions from the pleasure. For others, primarily women, it's harder for them to separate them, therefore they end up developing feelings for their sexual partner. B - Some women approve of strip clubs etc, some don't. Who are you to tell them that they're acting like they 'own' the man if they dislike one thing? Give it up. Whether they approve or disapprove doesn't matter; neither are wrong. It's a matter of preference. C - That's precisely what she doesn't want to hear. Good job. Also, a lot of men are REPULSED by the idea of having sex while the woman's on her period. Ever think of that? There are a lot of them out there, more than you think. D - He can do as he pleases? Now what kind of a relationship is that?! Relationships are give and take, not just do what you want and expect the other person to be okay with it. You win some, you lose some... you can't always get what you want. Remember that phrase... with your attitude I'm sure you'll need to at some point. Also, not every girl likes strip clubs, so even if she was "allowed" by her significant other, that doesn't mean she'll go - this is also fine. E - Here we go again with the micro-managing. You're criticizing women and micro-examining them for itty-bitty insignificant bits that you don't like. Is that not similar? IMO it's just as bad. Like I said, relationships are give and take and if all you're going to do is dictate and put the woman 'in her place', you're not going to get far. Even if you were right in saying any of this, what the **** gives you the right to suggest he should beat her up for not having the same beliefs as him? **** you. Grow up a little and understand people are different. Individuality exists!

a_nutritionist 10

sounds like you didnt notice the person youre speaking to is female. sounds like your opening comment misinterprets the entire thing as "all women do this" rather than "i hate women who do this". sounds like your typical response where you dont quite grasp the situation, but you comment on it anyway. by the way, telling someone they cant do something is no different to doing something the other person doesnt approve of. theyre both absolutes that enforce the opinion of one on the other, this is not a compromise, or give and take as you mentioned. you cant always get what you want, but you sure as shit can come up with a solution that suits both parties. individuality exists, true...but for some reason you are of the opinion that only one side deserves to be heard. way to go.

305 - You're an idiot. I didn't say things need to be one-sided for anything to work. I'm well aware that it's a two-way street. Who invited you into this conversation? Whether this poster is female or male doesn't matter. What she said, I believe, is wrong... no one should be thinking that way. Really? It's okay for even a female to suggest the girl should be beaten up by her boyfriend because she disagrees with him? You two make me sick.

Also, I didn't say compromise was out the question. For anything to work there has to be a compromise.

a_nutritionist 10

@308 oh i see, you can just reply to whomever you want, but i have to be invited to respond to you. what a quality bitch you prove yourself to be yet again. me disagreeing with you doesnt mean i automatically agree with her. youre both stupid, and im yet to see you once actually comprehend whats going on in any discussion. you need to work on that.

I respond to both good and bad comments, though. You on the other hand are only here to instigate. I'm the bitch? Alright, go ahead and believe what you want... I can't stop you. But remember that just because people disagree with you and give you a harsh response back when sworn at or insulted doesn't mean they're the bitch. The only reason people hate you is because of how you present yourself. Change that and you won't have so many confrontations. I comprehend very well, thank you. You on the other hand have some work to do. Stop projecting your problems on to me. You're very good at twisting people's words around, but that doesn't help you in the real world, nor does it help you comprehend what's really at hand here.

a_nutritionist 10

then youre both as bat shit crazy as each other, assuming he isnt lying to you. if youre implying that any man who has ever watched **** or seen a stripper or done anything that in some way exposes him to a naked girl is not happy with his partner then you might need to check the facts, since a lot of these things are used to actually strengthen relationships, rather than destroy them. im guessing youre a teenager, any adult making such claims is just a sad, closed minded individual.

A lot of them strengthen relationships? No, I think it's more 50/50... some relationships are strengthened because the people involved are doing it RIGHT, and others are ruined because one or more of them is selfish and: -doesn't want to have sex because they're addicted to **** and/or strippers, and yes it happens! -doesn't want the other person(s) to share in their sexual fantasies because they get off better themselves -doesn't care about trying to improve the relationship using **** or strip clubs -doesn't realize that some relationships can be helped with these.