Run, run away pronto

By Anonymous - 22/01/2021 08:01

Today, my fiancé yelled at me after I got off the phone with my friends, because I said I hadn't felt this happy and hadn't laughed this much in a long time. He was also mad that I didn't cook him dinner. He didn't ask me to cook dinner for him. He then told me to go somewhere else if I'm not happy with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 214
You deserved it 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

in my non professional opinion I think you should see this as a red flag and sign of things to come. I also think that you should keep an eye out for things like this in the future while you consider his very kind offer.


in my non professional opinion I think you should see this as a red flag and sign of things to come. I also think that you should keep an eye out for things like this in the future while you consider his very kind offer.

rotflqtms_ 21

I'd take him up on that offer if I were you. Glad he's your fiance and not your husband. They usually don't show their colors until after you're already married with kids so you feel more trapped. You can always get out by the way. Not even a marriage can keep you there. Maybe it's more expensive and more complicated, but still, there's always a way out. Get out now while you don't have to get lawyers involved.

it's time to go there's a lot of red flags he sounds like he's a toxic individual and is just now showing his true colors

xxlk4xx 6

your fiance sounds toxic! mine would never act like that, he knows I'm happy with him, but also knows this pandemic sucks ass, and usually if I don't cook dinner he just orders in or cooks something himself because he's a grown up 🤣

He’s toxic to be with. I really hope that you will break up with him.

tounces7 27

Maybe he was angry about something else and let it out on you. He will be very sorry but it will be too late.

peterblack67 9

Please. Do not marry this man. He has obvious control issues.

Screw that dude, he's treating you like garbage and you deserve better. a little respect for his own damn fiance isn't too much to ask for