By inlovewithstupid - 04/09/2011 16:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend bitched me out for being too controlling. Apparently, not only am I being unreasonable by not wanting him visiting strip clubs with his friends, I'm also just "looking for excuses to get mad" at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 396
You deserved it 17 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Richard16 0

Get your self a male stripper... :)

my_usagi 0

Going to strip clubs and getting hard to girls taking off their clothes and dancing on your lap is cheating. It's different than ****. So, if you don't mind your bf watching girls strip at a club, what's the difference between that and him going over to his friend "sarahs" apartment so she can strip for him and give him a dance? What it's not like he's sleeping with her, right? If he thinks she's psycho for that. Then she can go dance naked and cocktease men, and if he doesn't like it, then he's "psycho".


wow some ppl need to chill out it's a strip club not a ******* happy ending massage parlor get a clue hes just havin fun and hangin out so wat if he's watching strippers not like he's bangin them in the back room

oh you women and your keen sense to smell other women on guys

My wife said it best; "A strip club is one of the safest places your husband can go with his friends. Because there, he can look, but not touch."

FlyingLazerWALRU 0

You gotta give a man some leniency. Why don't you go see a male stripper, and he can go see his female strippers. Then you can both come home and have crazy awesome sex. Its a win-win situation.

cwhit2012 0

My fiance says that crap to me all the time!

xx_kaelen_xx 0

Haha I could really careless if my boyfriend goes to a strip club or whatever lol because he comes home and screws me ;) haha while I make him a sandwich, wash dishes, fold clothes lol it's a nice life with no arguing ;D try it

Munchkin13 6

I wouldn't mind if my boyfriend went to the strip club as long as its just an every once in a while thing kuz he's just looking and hanging it with his friends, its not like if he's gunna cheat on me. There's nothing wrong with him going to the strip club, unless you and him have trust issues with each other.

I'm a girl and I've been to a couple of strip clubs with my guy friends and let me say this; the fact that men can't touch is absolutely fake. A lot of things can happen in the champagne rooms... Female strippers tease men all the time, put their boobs on their shoulders and it's really sexual. If you go to a male strip club, it's more of a (dance) show than anything else.

Dump his sorry ass. I think I can make a pretty good judgement of character purely gleaned from this little story.