By Angrymom - 22/10/2018 22:00

Today, my teenage son informed me that when he’s too lazy to walk to the bathroom, he uses the kitchen sink as a toilet. I use that sink every day to wash vegetables for my family's dinner. He doesn't see a problem with this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 121
You deserved it 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make him eat pissy vegetables, then see if he changes his attitude.

Alup132 22

On the bright side, water that goes down the drain doesn’t come back out, so at least it’s only part of the sink that’s gross...


Make him eat pissy vegetables, then see if he changes his attitude.

Reading this FML, it seems that's what she's been doing and he doesn't seem to care.

Alup132 22

On the bright side, water that goes down the drain doesn’t come back out, so at least it’s only part of the sink that’s gross...

He should know that you never tell someone that, what made him bring it up?

ViviMage 38

You need to slap his ass and parent him. At least make him use a 2 liter coke bottle (let me guess, he does the Dew?) that he empties daily and not stash under his computer desk! I had a Trans-female roommate from hell that did the coke bottle under the desk stunt. I get lazy but never lazy like about bodily functions!

You should have held your fire until you caught him pooping in the sink. Yes, pee is distasteful, but it easily rinses away whereas feces are a biohazard.

If feces was a biohazard, then how can we throw away animal and baby bodily waste?

We have to do that carefully. Where do you think E. coli outbreaks come from?

I hear pee and carrots are good for you.

Phill_24 6

I really hope he never clogged your sink

do you not wash your sink out before you put food in there?

So, wash his food in the toilet and see how he feels about that.