By alissa_roar - 18/04/2011 17:54 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of two years told me I was being too obsessive. This is the guy who has gone through my phone two separate times and deleted all of my male contacts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 790
You deserved it 8 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. Lock your phone, darling. 2. It's strange how people with a problem accuse will sometimes others of having that same one. Some form of denial, I guess.

NuclearKitty333_fml 0


get rid of him. you shouldn't have to put up with that crap

^agreed. he sounds like one of those guys that won't let you talk to no guys and if you try to leave him he's like "if I can't have you no one can!" and beat you up

LOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLLOLLOOOOOOL jokes about domestic abuse r so funnay!!!!!!1!1!!1 No but seriously I don't give a **** how sarcastic you were trying to be. Violence against women is not funny. Ever. EVER. If you immature little twits with tiny dicks want to vote me down for defending women, go right ahead. My very large balls can take it.

7-I agreed. that how it gets physical

Agree with all of the above. If he doesn't want you talking to other guys he's too insecure and immature for a relationship.

#7- I had a boyfriend like that. I dumbed his ass when he pulled crap like that and even after I laid down the law. Goddess do I hate men like that.

Wow. Agreed with #1 and #7. Try to get out ASAP - do you have any female friends or relatives you could turn to?

have you all ever thought that the reason he has done it twice is because she keeps putting them back in? You simply can't judge a book by it's cover. Has it ever occurred to you that she ****** up and he deleted the guys numbers as an attempt to set aside a problem he might of had with them? it doesn't have to be him being a dick, maybe it was him trying to save their relationship?

If that were the case then OPs boyfriend is an idiot because he'd be trying to control OP not to cheat. So in either case OP is controlling. If OP did cheat, her boyfriend cannot make her be faithful, it's her choice.

it is her choice but he also could love her to death and this is a way of over coming his insecurity. he doesn't have to be immature to be insecure, relationships can cause it. He can hope for her to change and hope for her to see these "male contacts" are no good.

Muliar 0
IBeDantastic 0

what a dick.... I'm a guy and that makes me angry. like it bothers me a helluva lot. Dump him, gah. whatanidiot

@77 I believe the word you are looking for is 'neopagan' not 'feminazi'. There are some significant differences.

95- hope you're not looking to make friends because that comment sure didn't help.

copo - then he's an idiot and pussy because he won't leave her. if he keeps deleting them because she keeps putting them back in her contacts then she obviously doesn't give a shit about the relationship.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Maybe she's putting them back in because they're her friends and he has no right to get between that, no matter how insecure he is. How is being a controlling ass going to save the relationship?

that may be so but the point is don't assume he's a douche bag that will evolve into abusing her

She better be careful, he will end up beating her up like chris beat rihanna...

106- no I feel feminize is a more appropriate term as 77 does give off the persona of an extremist feminist and not necessarily a pagan and friends are a lie created by the government to keep you in your place, you should know that 100- I'm not sure what my comment had to do with religion

106- no I feel feminize is a more appropriate term as 77 does give off the persona of an extremist feminist and not necessarily a pagan and friends are a lie created by the government to keep you in your place, you should know that 100-I'm not sure what my comment had to do with religion

TroII 0

Did anybody think about what the FML said? It says an obsessive person called HER obsessive do you know how bad she would have to be obsessing to make him say that? Lol YDI.(:

In a lot of cases someone in the relationship cheated to cause the other one to act they crazy...

lookatthebrights_fml 0

whatever reason he has behind deleting all of her male contacts, there is a serious problem there. if he's THAT insecure, there is a major problem. If he is that possessive or controlling, there's an even more major problem. As many others have been saying, this is how relationships become abusive, whether the abuse is physical or emotional. Besides that, a girl has males in her phone contact list. There are non-boyfriend men in this world. Some of them, the girls in a relationship have to talk to. Period.

103- haha that is veryyy cute that youu think that. damnnn where are guys like youu?

148 - she said she hates guys like that, not all guys. In fact, she sounds rather reasonable.

OP's (hopefully ex) sounds like a lovely guy.

are you seriously suggesting he could have a legitimate problem with EVERY male in her phonebook? even if one of her guy friends pissed him off, he can't stop her talking to all other men full stop. a vindictive move like deleting contacts is not a reasonable measure to save a relationship no matter what the circumstance- he sounds manipulative and controlling. get out now op!

totally irrelevent comment- one of the characteristics of obsessive/insecure/manipulative people is accusing others of being these things. that's a no brainer.

1 & 7- agreed. 83- how the HELL would that "help" a relationship? someone will get pissed and then break-up! cuz, we all know, that sure helps!! good lord

They have been together for two years so if he is a controlling **** like every one says wouldn't this be a ydi because shes been with him so long and he has already done it once? Seeing they have been together for two years and she is "putting" up with his shit it sounds like she's too much of a dumbass to leave or he is giving her another chance. Now if she really loved him I doubt there is too much of a problem to not talk to a couple guys. And who says she doesn't do the same thing to him since you know, he told her to stop being obsessive in the post.

agreed.......i don't understand why women allow themselves to be treated like this.have a bit of self respect and walk away.

same thing happened to me, my (now ex) boyfriend, forced me to stop going out with male friends, and got pissed when i put kisses on the end of a text to my mum... then he told me i was smothering him when i asked where he was going... Don't put up with his crap, DUMP HIMM :)

dum_dum1 0

I think op's boyfriend has the right idea. delete her contacts! hell take away her phone! if she would just stay in the kitchen( where she belongs) then things would be fine. am I right or am I right

dum_dum1 0

I just don't see the problem. he sounds like a good guy, and op should be glad he let's her have a phone. duh

NuclearKitty333_fml 0

Sounds like my bestfriends' relationship!

ImaWiseGuy 5

sounds like a ***** head.....

Guys veing obsessive and being jealous are very different things!!

taken out the competion, good idea. now all he has to to is mark his terriory.

robotiick 12

lmfao haha I can already seein him piss on het

Two times in a year is nothing. My ex of one year went through my phone AND Facebook at least twice a week. :/

1. Lock your phone, darling. 2. It's strange how people with a problem accuse will sometimes others of having that same one. Some form of denial, I guess.

msmandy 0

She should delete all of his numbers and leave.

Marianette 0

she should switch the names around. I did that to a guy who cheated on me. he sexted his mom. his sister told me it was pretty great.

icadragoon 11

That is great^ LMAO! Good for her.

JustinThunder 8

The solution is to go through his phone and delete everyone but his parents and yourself. Then he'll learn.

ahem_speak_up 0

YDI. I think you are obsessive about his jealousy and controlling behavior:P btw, I woulda dumped him for deleting my contacts. cmon!

sublime420 11

Twice? Sounds like you didn't learn your lesson the first time. YDI for not getting the point. He's going to have to beat it into you now. Don't worry, if he uses a sack of oranges, they won't bruise. Much.

Ok now I look like a psychopath because the original foul comment was deleted and mine showed up here. If there are any other "OP deserved it and needs to have it beaten into her again" stupidity, see above.

No replied to the right one. FML has just another horrid case of 'duel layer comments'. Case and point....

Now I look like a double psychopath because my mini rant disappeared, the original comment reappeared, and my response disappeared!! I give up. I'm done commenting forever.