By xo_lezz - 01/03/2009 17:17 - United States

Today, my best friend slapped me and called me a some colorful words before telling me that she never wanted to talk to me again because I supposedly slept with her boyfriend. Not only am I a virgin, but I'm a lesbian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 200 891
You deserved it 16 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lollipop217 0

obviously she's not really your best friend if she doesn't know you're a virgin or a lesbian

How colourful were the words? Were they just shades of gray, or did she get real creative and start throwing in such colours as "magenta", or "sky blue"?


I don't believe this story... I need photographic evidence that your a lesbian.

Don't put the friend down, people. It's completely understandable that a girl would overreact at the thought of her friend sleeping with her boyfriend. It's also understandable that the friend didn't know about your preferences or virginity, and if she did, they might have slipped her mind in her panic. It's a simple misunderstanding and will be easy to sort out if it hasn't been done already. ^_^

laurm65 0

aw that sucks...just explain

un_known_fml 0

jesus, girls can be such *****...

geegee123 0

just explain it to her, she'll understand. if not, she doesn't deserve you as a friend. :)

badgirl_fml 1
VictoriaLolita 0

youuuu should add me lol -

Cantexplain1234 0

I find it interesting, if you're a lesbian virgin, you're the furthest thing expected from having sex with a guy, yet with out proof, your psychotic friend managed to blame you.

ChloeJade 0

For the couple of people who said her best friend should know she's a virgin and lesbian, that's not true at all. Many people don't come out to even their closest friends for a long time for fear of rejection. Some people don't come out until they're adults and don't even have the same friends anymore. It's a personal choice. And it's not necessary to tell your best friend everything to be your best friend. Everyone has kept a secret or two from their "best friend" at some point in their life. Your sexuality and virginity are your own personal business, not everyone else's. Everyone is different and it would do the world good for some people to remember that. On that note, I hope that everything gets worked out for you and that you can continue to be friends. If not, then she isn't worth it and one day she'll realize her mistake of losing a friend like you.

I'm with all the people that want to know why your so-called best friend doesn't know that you're a lesbian virgin. I can understand her not knowing that you're a lesbian, but someone's best friend should know whether or not they still have their V-card. You should talk to her about this, but don't be too mad because obviously there's alot of things about you that she doesn't know.