By .... - 08/06/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, I was introduced to my dad's girlfriend of six months. I've already heard them sleeping together several time,s and seen her car pull away early in the morning. After meeting face to face, I also learned that she's only two years older than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 832
You deserved it 3 271

Same thing different taste

Coincidence plays tricks on us!

By "Shadley Chase Teladia" - 21/11/2019 19:00 - South Africa - Johannesburg

Today, I finally got to meet the parents of the girl in which I have been dating for 3 months. I discovered that a month before we started dating, I had a one-night stand with her sister. And a week before that, I had a grinding session with her mother at a bar. No one is saying anything and her father is really bulky. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 905
You deserved it 2 003

Top comments

That must be uncomfortable, but as long as she is old enough to legally consent in your area, it is acceptable and he deserves happiness. FYL, though, I hope it becomes more bearable with time.

Think on the bright side. You can **** her too.


Although I think that is weird... if he's enjoying himself.. it's whatever. Your dad's just having some fun lmao.

okay I think we all need to get to the basis of this FML, that being "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!"

maybe your dad is her sugar daddy haha, FYL OP.

dmipotc 0

That must be uncomfortable, but as long as she is old enough to legally consent in your area, it is acceptable and he deserves happiness. FYL, though, I hope it becomes more bearable with time.

Plus point being you could borrow her lipgloss I suppose? Agree with #2 tho. Nicely done old man. Nicely done!

hiflier1012 3

OP is a guy so I don't think he needs lipgloss..

I just kind of want to know how old YOU are. Because if you're, like, 16, that's gross.

What does your dad do for a living? Jeeze.

brittanycraze 0

um, i think this is gross, regardless.. what is he thinking? or, most likely, not thinking.. lets see: hm, i have a daughter who is 2 years younger than you! BLECH. this gives me the creeps.

Capnstinkfoot 0