By Anonymous - 01/08/2014 22:38 - United Kingdom

Today, I got suspended from work after getting caught reading a work-related FML. Irony is funny, but it doesn't pay the bills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 649
You deserved it 18 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And now you have a FML for reading FMLs. Silver-lining.


That was sort of redundant. That was sort of redundant.

Animekid126 13

You know redundant doesn't mean repeating right?

#45, No one said it was. But do you realize that repeating something is redundant?

Well YDI. You shouldn't have been slacking off.

K410 18

How the hell does this fml have so little YDI's

I think it's because it's an ironic/coincidental fml, people liked it. I would've been fired for being on my phone, let alone fml.

Wouldn't FMLception be an "FML within an FML"? This is only an FML about an FML.

stay off your phone at work, silly. especially if it's not even important.

I'd rather make money and wait to read about others misfortunes.

She shall walk the plank! Argh Okay, I'm off to work.

We do need another toilet cleaner, hopefully less whiny about that "minimum wage" thing than the last guy. He vanished without a trace and nobody has a clue what happened to him, Judge.

You told me that "shitty situation" joke had nothing to do with his disappearance.

Legally-speaking, maybe you shouldn't be reminding me of that on a public forum. Don't forget you ate the Rat Cook's pies that night as well. Snitch.

A thread dominated by FML staff, very cool! Another instance of wishing I could thumb up the staff :)

You deserve it I'd say.. As entertaining as FML is you should save it for your free time and concentrate on the job at hand when at work

incoherentrmblr 21

The irony & coincidences are strong with this one. FYL and everyone else's life too...

Coincidences, yes. Irony, no. Irony =/= Any kind of amusing coincidence