By Anonymous - 07/12/2018 20:00 - United States - Huntsville

Today, I finally lost my virginity to the girl of my dreams, unfortunately she called me by my ex-bestfriend's name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 841
You deserved it 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you dating? Or are you looking for a relationship with her? Because it seems more like you just care about getting laid, in which case, congrats, you did! If that's what's most important to you, then it doesn't really matter if she messes up your name once, does it?

ryand82 11


Maybe you’d better patch things up with your old friend, seeing as he got you laid!

Geoff Barger 6

Never shag your best friend’s girl.

Were you dating? Or are you looking for a relationship with her? Because it seems more like you just care about getting laid, in which case, congrats, you did! If that's what's most important to you, then it doesn't really matter if she messes up your name once, does it?

The good - Had sex! The bad - She was thinking of someone else.... I trust it was safe sex....

ryand82 11
Itsbeenalong 5

I literally came here for this comment, was not disappointed. Well done you!

whiskey'swino 15

Sorry to break it to you but for most of us the first time is not super awesome, it is awkward and uncomfortable. Welcome to the club!

StripesNStitches 3

Sounds likee she faked it. No one uses names, this ain't **** 😂

CurmudgeonCrunch 7