By xo_lezz - 01/03/2009 17:17 - United States

Today, my best friend slapped me and called me a some colorful words before telling me that she never wanted to talk to me again because I supposedly slept with her boyfriend. Not only am I a virgin, but I'm a lesbian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 200 891
You deserved it 16 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lollipop217 0

obviously she's not really your best friend if she doesn't know you're a virgin or a lesbian

How colourful were the words? Were they just shades of gray, or did she get real creative and start throwing in such colours as "magenta", or "sky blue"?


Geez, if you she knoes you'r lezbian, she must be really paranoid.

how can ur best friend not know ur a virgin or a lesbian?

that's when you go "Yeah... if i was sleeping around with anyone it'd be you"

Gingerly 0

You people saying that she should come out to her friend are dumb. Her friend is obviously an irrational psycho bitch, she freaked out on her best friend over a rumor, cut the ties and find a new and better friend.

I can't understand your logic. How it is relevant that just because she is a lesbian, she deserves to be assaulted by an irrational and aggresive person. Are you just ignorant and homophobic, or do you have some kind a disorder that prevents you from comprehending reality? Because, if its the latter, then I genuinely feel bad for you, however if it's the first, then I feel bad for the people around you...

Edenbeam 19

I think you need a new best friend. = /

I totally agree with 81 YDI for being a lesbian.

I totally agree with 81 YDI for being a lesbian.

A_N_G_15 0

wow ohio ppl....we have the worst FML's

thesmartaleck 0