By Anonymous - 26/04/2009 02:03 - United States

Today, my best friend and I performed a rap to our whole school. The rap was "made up" by our friend. After the performance, a lot of friends asked me why I did a rap from Hannah Montana. Apparently the rap was off of a show for 8 year olds. We are 17 and people think we watch Hannah Montana. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 942
You deserved it 56 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

themangostar 0

If they knew it was from Hannah Montana they obviously watch it, so just shrug it off. hah

cheese jerky? i'm 19 and i watch hannah montana. :) i should be ashamed but i have other things to worry about.


39, 40 hell yeah. also, hannah montana = fail. anyone over 13 watching the disney channel is sad.

Don't feel bad....I'm seventeen and we actually do have people at school who like Hannah Montana. Like, hardcore fans. It's sad.

Gotz_No_Love 1

did you notice anything about the lyrics before performing?

Um, why do a whole bunch of high schoolers recognize a rap out of Hannah Montana? Failure on their part, not yours.

oh no! this is horrible! You'll never live this indignation down!

_Elizabeth_ 0

uh, doesn't the logic follow that if they know the rap is from Hannah Montana, that they, too, watch the show? I know a girl who's 19 and watches Hannah Montana. I'm sure you'll survive.

_shit_happens_ 0

uhmm. who gives a crap? people have lives nobody cares if you watch hannah montana most of the audience probably found it funny and the rest were asleep.

First of all... why were you rapping for your entire school...? Secondly @ # 50... you are 12? why the hell are there children on this website? Third, i love rap, there's nothin like some old school biggie or some underground shit. and fourth, hannah montana ******* sucks