Noped out of there

By Anonymous - 24/09/2022 11:30 - United Kingdom

Today, my wife and teen daughter are at the point where their monthly cycles have synced, so when I got home and heard them screaming at each other, I quietly closed the door so they couldn’t hear me, and like a coward I hid in my car until the screaming stopped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 368
You deserved it 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smart move. Taking cover isn't cowardly. There was no Valor in walking into this firestorm.

Coward or strategic genius? It would be cowardly if you hid from them while you could have done something to help them. You can't help here except by being a punching bag, and no one needs that. Bring a book and snacks.


Coward or strategic genius? It would be cowardly if you hid from them while you could have done something to help them. You can't help here except by being a punching bag, and no one needs that. Bring a book and snacks.

I have to go with the FML Jerk on this one. If you see a sign saying MINEFIELD AHEAD, what can you do? Go through and trust in your ability to handle a volatile situation, or avoid it?

The important question is which one synced on the other, i.e., who's the alpha? (Most likely the mom since teenager's cycles tend to be less regular)

Smart move. Taking cover isn't cowardly. There was no Valor in walking into this firestorm.

Vesi 29

Yeah that's just self-preservation there. Good luck! =)

definitely not a myth. at my old job all the women synced. it happens

On the bright side you only have to deal with it once (a month)instead of twice if they weren't synched! Plus I would have hidden too, no one wants to deal with that!