By Anonymous - 26/04/2009 02:03 - United States

Today, my best friend and I performed a rap to our whole school. The rap was "made up" by our friend. After the performance, a lot of friends asked me why I did a rap from Hannah Montana. Apparently the rap was off of a show for 8 year olds. We are 17 and people think we watch Hannah Montana. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 942
You deserved it 56 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

themangostar 0

If they knew it was from Hannah Montana they obviously watch it, so just shrug it off. hah

cheese jerky? i'm 19 and i watch hannah montana. :) i should be ashamed but i have other things to worry about.


That is the greatest prank I've ever heard of.

california512 0

ok I'm almost 20 and I love watching hannah montana. My friend and i went and saw the movie on Friday. haha Don't judge. Not a big deal

rebockaa 0

so watching hannah montana makes you not cool? eeek! i must be like, the most uncool kid ever!

f your life. not because you sang a hannah montana song but because you think you're too cool for it.

xx_hayleyy 0

108, get a life. and the hoedown throwdown, isn't really what i consider "rap." but OKAY....

boots13 0

clearly your friends aren't "cool" either if they all knew it was Hannah Montana..... but really, whatever, I'm 20 and I watch Hannah Montana too, it's really not just for 8 year olds. and maybe that makes me uncool, but I'm not really ashamed of that.

I'm an 18 y.o. boy and I watch Disney channel. haha

I love hannah montana =] I'll be 19 soon

tdawgheath 0

I'm really curious as to how you didn't think "this is retarded" before you thought about doing the rap from Hannah Montana... ******* retarded show. Miley Cyrus must die.

ambisaurus 0

im 18 and i watch hannah montana. but even if it was stupid to watch hannah montana, how would they know that it was from hannah montana unless they were watching it too?