By Anonymous - 26/04/2009 02:03 - United States

Today, my best friend and I performed a rap to our whole school. The rap was "made up" by our friend. After the performance, a lot of friends asked me why I did a rap from Hannah Montana. Apparently the rap was off of a show for 8 year olds. We are 17 and people think we watch Hannah Montana. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 942
You deserved it 56 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

themangostar 0

If they knew it was from Hannah Montana they obviously watch it, so just shrug it off. hah

cheese jerky? i'm 19 and i watch hannah montana. :) i should be ashamed but i have other things to worry about.


I'm 18 and saw the Hannah Montana movie. I will admit though i do not know the Hoedown Throwdown dance although I do have the soundtrack:)

Stop caring what people think. If you really don't watch the show, just tell them that. If you watch the show, then you watch the show. Not a big deal.

well they obviously watch hannah montana if they knew it was from the show so dont feel bad

melonrageous 0

**** that hannah montana rocks i'm in college & i loce hannah montana but dont get me wrong i'm not a dork i get laid in my hannah montana sheets.

BEB131 0

Hey, they were the ones who recognized the song... u didnt

Well, if they knew the rap was off Hannah Montana, that means they watch it too, rofl. And who cares, it's just a t.v. show. Now if you were watching something like Barney or Teletubbies, that would be a different story...

pssshh, hannah montana is great. i'm 27, a professional (i'm a doctor), and i'll proudly admit to watching HM whenever i can catch it.. it's hilarious, haha. and yes, i do have a girlfriend, she's amazingly beautiful, and she watches it with me!

Umm I'm seventeen and DO watch Hannah Montana, no thank you very much.

apparently "a lot of your friends" watch it too, since they knew what it was

Clearly your friends watch the show too. And why do you give a damn if people know what show you watch? Sigh, high schoolers...