By Anonymous - 26/04/2009 02:03 - United States

Today, my best friend and I performed a rap to our whole school. The rap was "made up" by our friend. After the performance, a lot of friends asked me why I did a rap from Hannah Montana. Apparently the rap was off of a show for 8 year olds. We are 17 and people think we watch Hannah Montana. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 942
You deserved it 56 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

themangostar 0

If they knew it was from Hannah Montana they obviously watch it, so just shrug it off. hah

cheese jerky? i'm 19 and i watch hannah montana. :) i should be ashamed but i have other things to worry about.


they would have to watch the show too if they knew where it's from.

martinilvr 0

apparently they watch it... how else would they have known it was from that show?

The real reason you fail is that you rap in front of your school.

LilleyWhite 0

why are you rapping in front of your school in the first place?

well to make you feel better your entire school knew it was from hannah montanna as well

Well, then they probably watch Hannah Montana too...

atomicmrpelly 2

Well surely they must watch it to know where the rap comes from?!

not watching hanah montana it the fact that you weren't esucated enough to know where it was from...obviously the people that asked you watch the show...

Why is that such a big deal? Maybe its cause at the school I go to people are pretty open minded and would find that funny but this one doesn't seem too bad to me

does she even do raps? and couldn't you tell by the lyrics? wow YDI for being stupid but this is probably fake anyway.