By poopedon - 26/04/2009 03:10 - Canada

Today, I was at the beach and fell asleep in the sun. When I woke up, there was a blob of sunscreen on my leg. Thinking it was my boyfriend who was sweet enough to squeeze sunscreen for me, I rubbed it into my leg. After smelling my hands, I discovered it was bird poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 998
You deserved it 18 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would your boyfriend squeeze a blob of sunscreen and just leave it like that on your leg?

LilKonvicted 0

Haven't you heard?? Bird is the word


OuttaMind 0

First. :P And damn, that sucks!

so yur at the beach...cant u just wash it off right when u noticed?

haha.. don't you know how sunscreen looks or sooo obviously smells like!? Congratulations girl u deserve it :p plus if you think ur bf will just leave the sunscreen there as a spot on you, I suggest u bring him this famous book LOOOOOOOOL!!!

A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird

bbbbbb bird bird bird b-b-birds the word!

uhazsquiads 0

I say the b b b bird the bird is the word

The bird was kinder than your boyfriend. It took the time to protect you from the sun, with it's own shit.

TempestJones 0

ROFLMFAO!!!! That was exactly what went through my head!!! Hahahaha... OP, YDI for being a fucktard.

erm, in wgat way was it her fault? yeah she didnt notice befire she rubber, but getting shat on doesnt make her a fucktard...

Probably YDI for thinking your boyfriend is sweet. LOL. Just kiddin'.

Why would your boyfriend squeeze a blob of sunscreen and just leave it like that on your leg?