By Snurkles - 07/07/2011 12:19 - Canada

Today, it's my birthday. I got a phone call from my high school bully, to remind me that he'll always be able to find me and do whatever he wants to me. He does this every year. I turn 34 today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 106
You deserved it 7 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments


zendaddy0 0

call the cops and tell them your scared (and he has drugs on him for good measure)

ZombieeeeUnicorn 1

haha true that!! hey well!! at least he remembers when OP's birthday is;))

15 that's called being a pussy. 1. Beat his ass. 2. Hit his mom with your car. 3. Wreak Havoc on his town with grenades and bombs. 4. Rape his cat. 5. Rape him.

^ But then again that would get you arrested...

a_nutritionist 10

@39 ok you can read this 1 of 2 ways. 1. you find something objectionable about raping a cat, but make no reference to raping people and thus condone it. 2. youve tried before and found out it cant be done. im willing to overlook a possible satire in favour of labelling you creepy.

Ok Jodee Blanco's please stop laughing me at me book doesn't seem to give good advise on bullying. Get a gun license, buy a shotgun & tell him to **** off or he'll get two slugs in the head.

Call the police. I'm pretty sure that what he's doing can be categorized as bullying, threatening and stalking.

how wood two little slimy things kill sumone? they dont even go fast enoughforsumone to notice if they got hit by one

Guys. What you have to understand is that only ******* call the Po-lice. You gotta take this into your own hands. Duct tape him to his bed and light the house on fire.

73- People like you is the reason why the police exist.

Bradybow 0

and you obviously are so full of insight yourself about bullying right?

You can't do that the bullets would probably kill him buy a handgun and get some rubber bullets. They hurt like hell and 5 of them can stop the average man. Shoot for the body and finish him of with taser to the ass.

hey_its_kristi 0

change your phone number, get a restraining order.

Call the cops. He can be arrested for stalking.

find out where the bully is and what is his phone number, after that you need to call him and just breathe heavily and hang up. every once in a while write on his window " i know what you did" if done correctly your bully/stalker will be more concerned about his stalker, instead of you

YacL: ******* like you are the reason bullies exist. Don't let yourself get bullied.

73 has been listening to too much eminem. |the kid|

Rikkai 0

Really! xD Man, you need to stop letting him push you around. Kick his butt!

SamanthaaNicolee 18

Now I'm not condoning this, I'm just throwing it out there: The Unforgiveable Cursesp

simply_improper 1

grow some freaking balls!

OP. You sir are a b*tch for not doing something before now. even calling the cops would have been less of a pussy move than taking shit for over 15 years. You are pathetic. Do something or admit the fact that you are so pathetic you deserve this.

I agree, grow some balls and tell him it's not your fault his life is so pathetic he has to relive his glory days as a 15 year old, but this isn't high school and he needs to grow the **** up and move on. Also you need to stop being such a bitch.

stepho14 0

seriously ? you still have your high school bully harassing you ?that sir... is really sad cuz ther are multiple ways in getting rid of him :p

maybe hes gay and fantasizes about you and is still in denial of his feelings.

guys u got it all wrong, what you gotta do is steal his car's wheels take all hid clothing away while he's showering ( including towels and such ) light his house on fire grease up the staircase, and put a pile of shit on the bottom of it, then you will truly have taken revenge ( while all this goes down you could **** his wife/girlfriend for a bonus )

Tell him to grow up. He's a loser for harassing you for this long, and must really be obsessed with you if he's found the time to call you every year.

HelloNoora1 0

wow how did he get your phone number

Maybe he still lives in the same house with his parents.

stevendsi 0

or looked it up in a phone book

Lauren10102 3

Time to get a new phone number...

write a book this and get rich off him.. would be great! Um you need to work on your happy ending though. start learning karate?

maybe he hasnt moved out of his parents house

call the cops he's a creepy ass stalker lmao

JokinglySerious 0
Hoarr 0

Or maybe he just likes you.

mp1233 0
Lucie_love 4

Just make sure it's not expired.

it won't matter it will still work on his face

Pepper spray isn't allowed in Canada, :'( Only police officers can have them

I'd say gun but probably not legal? knife?

Lexi_Ray 5

join the military then whoop his ass

VampireKiller59 0

or he can shoot him. or cut out his tongue. or shoot him, then cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.

actually, it'd be better to cut out his tongue, shoot his tongue in front of him, theen shoot him lol

because those are totally both easy fixes

probably better just to put the fear of god into him, like put a severed horses head on his bed :D

joining the military is a terrible idea im in the military and it doesn't make you tough, just go to his house with a crowbar

cldean24 4

Don't join the military to learn how to kick someone's ass. They teach you to tactfully kill people, not fist fight. -_-

omgcookeys 15

why not become a body builder and scare the pee outta him?

i think becoming a body builder only to scare him would be the biggest waste of time, just enter his house at night, tie him up and pour water on him but put the water in a red gas tank beforehand ...that should do it

the same cops the half the ppl dont like til they need help? theyre not comin...

iAmScrubs 19

He's most likely an Internet predator now, while you have probably done something productive with your life.

Skankles 0

Haha. He just wants you to know that he cares! Or he's criminally insane... Your call.

emodude44 0

I'm gonna go with criminally insane and obsessed.

I agree. 34 years? restraining order maybe?

it's his fault for letting it get this far. he should have stood his ground in high school and not become a baby back bitch as an adult