The one that got away

By Anonymous - 25/09/2019 18:00 - United States

Today, the only person who remembered my birthday was my stalker ex. He left condoms, birth control, furry handcuffs, and a lingerie set in my mailbox, with a note saying to prepare for our anniversary. We went out for a week. In sixth grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 146
You deserved it 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you contacted the police? If not, I really think you should. Also: happy birthday!

Happy birthday! Yeah, that's actionable. Call the police.


Have you contacted the police? If not, I really think you should. Also: happy birthday!

Happy birthday! Yeah, that's actionable. Call the police.

Hey, give the guy a chance! What could possibly go wrong? If nobody else is paying attention to you, maybe you ought to give some to someone who spends so extravagantly on you. Your grandkids are gonna love this story!

I'm curious as to how long ago 6th grade was for you...

I love how absolutely nothing he bought was related to you specifically. Even your stalker doesn't care enough to get to know you.

How did he knows where you live? And you should call the police, be sounds creepy.

Matthew Irmen 11

You went out for a week in sixth grade and you call him an ex? Wow!