By pooperscooper - 20/02/2017 00:00 - Australia - Hunters Hill

Today, I had to wipe someone else's shit off the toilet seat for the third day in a row. We had a new staff member join our team three days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 297
You deserved it 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CheekyRaccoon 27

I can understand if it happened once, to a certain degree twice, but thrice? I seriously just don't understand how that would happen. Perhaps they're hovering above the toilet seat so that their cheeks don't touch the toilet seat and leads to them missing. However, that just seem preposterous, it's more likely that they're playing a game of poop darts, shooting it out like a cannon from afar and hoping it lands on target. If they don't, then the next person would have to clean it up and it's their turn.

jcash52426 5

Put an Anonymous sign in the bathroom. Stating that someone is leaving the bathroom a mess and that we need to keep it clean or worded something like that. This way if it is that person they are not embarrassed.


Looks like they are full of shit and have bad aim too

jcash52426 5

Put an Anonymous sign in the bathroom. Stating that someone is leaving the bathroom a mess and that we need to keep it clean or worded something like that. This way if it is that person they are not embarrassed.

Sarah K. Oller 2

to hell with not embarrassing them. they knew they left shit on the toilet.

We have signs in our work toilets saying leave the toilets as clean as we'd like to find them, and still people ignore it. The only time people pay attention is when HR sends an email to the whole office to shame whoever did it (without naming them).

CheekyRaccoon 27

I can understand if it happened once, to a certain degree twice, but thrice? I seriously just don't understand how that would happen. Perhaps they're hovering above the toilet seat so that their cheeks don't touch the toilet seat and leads to them missing. However, that just seem preposterous, it's more likely that they're playing a game of poop darts, shooting it out like a cannon from afar and hoping it lands on target. If they don't, then the next person would have to clean it up and it's their turn.

species4872 19

You've given this shit quite some thought.

CheekyRaccoon 27

Isn't that from the movie, "The Guy Who Couldn't Shit Straight?" Please don't make the "shitty situation" comment.

How large is your team? Regardless of if it's actually the new guy or not, it shouldn't be something too difficult to figure out. Place a sign up of something along the lines of "leave the restroom as you found it/ cleanliness is everyone's responsibility" ect. If it happens even ONCE more after that, then pull the guilty party aside and lay it out bluntly that they're being not only grossly inconsiderate, but extremely disgusting and that it will not be tolerated and explain what should inevitably be the next disciplinary course of action should there be further instances, cause that is just beyond nasty!

Correlation isn't causation, but I'd still politely ask the new team member about it.

How would you start a conversation like that?

Lol idk but they could get crafty with it

species4872 19

It would be nice if reply's went under the comment that it was intended for. shit make over.

Is try to move my internal 'poop clock' to before the offender poops.

That is gross. It's not your job to clean that up. I say next time, if you see it, leave it there and go report it to the boss. Then have the new employee clean it up (if that's who's responsible). And I agree with the people who suggested to put a sign up as well. Whoever that is needs to clean up their own mess. FYL indeed.

Take note of when the new person goes to the toilet and check afterwards if they left a turd burger sitting on the seat, if so you have your culprit and can take other steps.