By Big B - 04/02/2009 17:40 - United States

Today, I was at the strip club. I put my dollar on the stage. When the stripper came over to take it, she stood me up and flipped my tits and said I had bigger ones than her. I'm a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 055
You deserved it 45 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imdead 0

Time to go on a diet bro. Good luck. It's not easy.

Hahaha your a douche....... Hahahahaha try being nice sometime.


Imdead 0

Time to go on a diet bro. Good luck. It's not easy.

r u a guy or girl and how old r u cuz im 13 and hav seen at least one guy with "man boobs"

Men do have breasts, they're normally just smaller than women's.

Dr_Phil 0

Hahahaha ... you have man boobs. Hahahahaha. Also, maybe tip more money next time.

Hahaha your a douche....... Hahahahaha try being nice sometime.

FMcorpse 0

gee, that sounds sorta like an FML i posted that never got published....**** you, Big B

to #10: Please see FML Code, article #8

haha I pictured the whole scene in my head. Man boobs!

zillia_fml 0

theres a very good thing, its called losing weight, try it

are you going to take that from a stripper? but yeah tip more next time

It's called working out, it prevents you from being fat.

lemme slap those thighs, i wanna see waves!