By Devin - 02/08/2009 06:11 - United States

Today, I went to see a movie with 4 friends. I didn't realize that I was the only one who didn't have a date. The theater row had just enough room for everyone but me, I got to sit in back of everyone else while they were making out in front of me for 2 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 201
You deserved it 5 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

no1askdu 5

shouldve threw popcorn at them

That blows, being single while everyone else is paired off is never fun. Hope you ripped the friend who invited you a new one, how inconsiderate.


no1askdu 5

shouldve threw popcorn at them

YDI for being an ugly **** that can't get a gf worth a shit hell i can get a gf. if i can then ANYONE should. idiot

americayay 0

He should've watched the movie.

maybe he didnt know that it was a group date thing and actually has a smoking hot gf back at home? i bet your just a 50 year old virgin who has nothing better to do than make fun of people on the computer at your moms house

next time try to get numbered seats!

perfectwinds 0

What kind of movie theater near you has numbered seats??

turtlellama 0

There are two within ten minutes of me.

That blows, being single while everyone else is paired off is never fun. Hope you ripped the friend who invited you a new one, how inconsiderate.

Action_Batch 0

Ever think the reason you don't get dates is because you complain about stupid shit?

NGM_47 0

Well would you rather be stuck in between both couples while they were kissing? I think that would be more annoying and embarrassing than your FML...

Exactly. Hoes before bros. You need friends who respect the pact of bros before hoes.!

if i was u, I don't care, if u really think it's fml, go out and get someone don't ******* complain bitch.

sireen 0

awww this is sad:( get new friends