By Thesuz - 06/09/2013 03:27 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, my neighbour was practicing his opera singing, drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 656
You deserved it 3 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28
simplysarcastics 26

I imagine his voice was very high pitched, scratchy, and off key. Your poor ears!


flashback.miss 28
CynePhoba 23

Record and post it on youtube. For all you know it might become viral hit!

meggieeee92 15

It could be a new #1 hit for all OP knows!

Next thing we know, there might be a FML from the said neighbour's point of view.

The only way to get good drunk is to practice drunk.

Pwn17 25

And the reason for opera singing drunk is...?

...self pity drinking? You know, the people who drink and get all sad because they didn't follow their dreams and hate their lives. Or someone dared them and, being drunk, they didn't say no.

simplysarcastics 26

I imagine his voice was very high pitched, scratchy, and off key. Your poor ears!

simplysarcastics 26

I was actually empathizing with op. meaning it has to be really irritating to listen ti someone singing opera drunk. Thanks for the thumbs down guys!!

No problems! (Even though you only got -1 thumbs down...)

Maybe if OP gets drunk as well, he can have a pair of beer muffs to block out the singing. They also match wonderfully with a set of beer goggles!

simplysarcastics 26

Lol 24 i had way more than one thumbs down, its changed in the meantime. Nice profile pic by the way, now I crave cupcakes.

DreamStatic 8

You should practice calling in a noise complaint.

My neighbors karaoke...every weekend while drunk. For hours.

Psh, though not every weekend and usually not drunk, so do I. ;) Join them, it's actually a lot of fun! :)

Now I get that sucks, but one day and your drunk neighbour opera singing isn't bad at all, get over it it's not affecting your life, call the cops, noise complaint.

Kinda reminds me of that Family Guy episode where Peter can play the piano perfectly when intoxicated. Except in this case, I'm assuming this guy ain't doing too good singing intoxicated.

Jean Luc, put some clothes on and head over to sick bay. You're drunk.

plum_lovin 28

Sing along. Then at least you can say you sang just as good as an opera singer.

did he sound any better than usual? I know a few people who sound amazing while drunk .