By Anonymous - 10/03/2012 14:20 - United States

Today, I was re-watching my wedding video. As I was walking down the aisle, you could hear my grandfather mutter "Here comes the bride, all fat and wide." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 095
You deserved it 5 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheFamilyElf 17

Grandfathers are the funniest people in the world, hands down. Don't take it seriously, OP. He's most likely kidding. Even if he wasn't, I'm sure you looked stunning.


Just edit in some really loud wedding music, or cut that part out. Either one works:L

17 - I agree with the music. Don't cut it out - walking down the aisle is a moment you would actually like to watch later.

trololol6969 3

More like rolling down the aisle.

I think the main part of FML is that after hearing her grandfather say that, she feels insecure about the way she looks now. OP if you feel insecure then go to gym, NOT because your "big" but because it will make you feel better about yourself :)

desireev 17

107- On your profile, you spelled '******' wrong. It's '******'! Not 'vegina'!

120 you are very observant! :) It took me a minute to look for what you pointed out!

BassGirl 5

If nothing else, she's observant.

BassGirl 5

Yea, ain't hungover typos a bitch?

MargieDrury 1

Bassgirl I think your cool not scary!

MargieDrury 1

Lol I like how I get 3 negatives. WIN!

Hungover?! Jeez guys, lookout, we're dealing with a badass...

fricknugget 3

I had to look at the profile to see of BassGirl was a girl. Picture says something else. Sorry :/

osnapitzaris 0

okay, bass girl made a mistake. we can all stop hating now.

MargieDrury 1

I thought that BassGirl was wearing a hat then I realized that's her hair. Scared the Sh*t outta me.

bizarre_ftw 21

This comment stream crashed and burned, and BassGirl looks awesome, I know people who are (for lack of a better word) worse, and some who think lipstick is slutty, get over it let people live as they please.

not only do you get his sex wrong, you do it after someone else has made the same mistake.

redneck45x 2
lionandthelamb61 9

I took the comment to mean that the OP is observant for catching the grandfather muttering on the video...still inappropriate considering observing usually involves eyes, not ears, but not quite the epic fail it was initially taken as.

I'm really sorry, but 2's picture scares me.

My metal detector seems to be getting a strong read from your face....

Urbanchiller 0

and you spelt "that's" wrong, so STFU or GTFO.

Oasispetro1 4

ya isle is spelt right retard

Goodness that was so hypocritical I don't even know where to start.

Birdie_Sage 0

Fail or sarcasm? I can't tell...

marzipanimal 15

This is depressing. I don't find it funny at all! Weddings are supposed to be special and all about you. That was mean of your grandpa.):

OhDearBetrayal 25

In a sense it was still all about her.

4-Thanks heaps for making me laugh hysterically!! your comment is the best!:D

GoW_Chick 14

Here comes the bride she has a bitchy side... I don't have a groom one, someone think of one for me... Please? (:

109 here comes the groom, so full of gloom!

"Here comes the usher, the old toilet flusher."

Here comes granddad making the bride so sad.

Thanks 131 for knowing the real words!!

Ahh :) family videos. Something to show your kids one day :P

RahmEsHestos 5

When I was 17 I was in a giant play, and my mom recorded it. As I was watching it afterward, I could clearly hear my grandfather boo me evey time I entered the stage.

Llamacod 11

Cool story bro, tell it again

53- how about I push you down a cliff and as you break every bone in your body and turn into a human slug and beg for an ambulance I'll say "cool story bro."

Why would he do that, especially to a teenager? Why didn't your other relatives tell him to shut up? That's just awful. I am so sorry to read that.

btnhdude 0

77- Cool hypothetical story, bro.

TheFamilyElf 17

Grandfathers are the funniest people in the world, hands down. Don't take it seriously, OP. He's most likely kidding. Even if he wasn't, I'm sure you looked stunning.

fthislyfe 22

Yeah... too bad I don't have one

Buzz Killington has entered the building.

So, 73, when did you graduate from Killjoke University?

Even 73's picture is somewhat depressing ...

sqeakyclean 7

Quit picking on Debbie Downer, you guys.

160 Spoken from the shallowest depths of your heart, eh?

160 coming from the person with a "I heart bacon" picture? Ok then.

160 coming from the person with a "I heart bacon" picture? Ok then.

160 coming from the person with a "I heart bacon" picture? Ok then.

I think deep within every ones' hearth, they believe 160 is right, even the fat people. I don't mean to be rude, it is just a thought.

RedPillSucks 31

So so wrong. I'm not a chubby chaser and I know lots of beautiful fat women.

If you are fat and wide then who cares you have someone that loves you for who you are

SuperDerp 8

What a douche move. Well atleast you know how he thinks of you...

nofearjenshere 12

They make the world better (:

Old people are like kids, they say the darnest things.

chowE_fml 4

Better your grand after than his

tannerianian 11

Just remember. You get to pick what home the grandparents go into(:

ByronJess 17

Actually, OP's parents get to pick what home the grandparents go into... OP gets to choose her parents home.

Llamacod 11

Actually, I'm pretty sure the parents get to pick what home the grandparents go into

Not if op kills their parents! YES OP!! Use your anger!! It makes you STRONGER!!

#79 needs to go to a mental home. Don't worry your parents will pick it for you.

SecretMe00 5

Out of all the comments on this first page, yours made me actually chuckle. Good thinking! :-)

tannerianian 11

#169 that's coming from someone who has spongebob as their picture? Trolollol