By impickingyourhomegran - 13/08/2012 22:12 - United Kingdom - London

Today, it was my wedding day. Midway through the ceremony, my grandma, who's tried to ruin every relationship to date, stood up and shouted that "it ain't right", "you're too good for her", and claimed my fiancée has been cheating on me, before she was finally ejected from the building. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 679
You deserved it 1 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

So I guess forgiving her is like going to McDonalds and ordering a salad. That shit is not going to happen.

fylx100 19

In sorry OP. My mother-in-law doesn't want me with my boyfriend and does crazy things too. She should respect your decision. And by the way, Congratulations!


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1: Based on this FML, the OP's grandmother tries to "ruin every relationship"...presumably everywhere ever. She's not singling out the OP per se, she's just crazy--and if you're in a relationship, she might next be coming after yoouuu!

lolololer 8

I want to know why OP even invited her grandma to her wedding if she knew her grandma wants to ruin her relationships...

1: Also, since your name is Trueginger, I have to ask: are you ginger where it counts? Curiousity, ya see.

cudi504 4

So did I but for some reason I read it as the fiance being ejected from the building. And ejected made me think that she was thrown out a window on the top floor. Maybe I can't read. :(

38 Your profile pic is very appropriate to your comment.

AClassActx3 7

Dude. Wassup with your profile pic?

36 it was his wedding... The arrow pointing up is for guys... Looks like an erection. Thought I'd help clear up any confusion.

You shouldn't have invited her! Maybe she would have got the message. I hate annoying old people. ( the nice ones who tell story's are still good though)

I'm so sorry OP. Hopefully the rest of your day went off without a hitch. She definately wouldn't be invited to any future events if, for no other reason, to respect your wife

Doctorhook86 I read all your messages in Samuel L Jackson's voice

cadillacgal79 32

35-uh oh, I better hide than along with all the other couples, quick everybody, let's go to the moon!

adatheunicorn 8
missmurderx 8

Clearly, she is not on any meds. Whether she is supposed to be is another question

fylx100 19

In sorry OP. My mother-in-law doesn't want me with my boyfriend and does crazy things too. She should respect your decision. And by the way, Congratulations!

Mother-in-laws.. A husband's worst fear.. The bane of all marriages..

How is she your mother in law if he's still your boyfriend?

fylx100 19

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#40- My thoughts exactly. #51-No most girlfriends don't.

This is by far the best user name i have seen

BunchieRules 31

51 - They aren't called in-laws if the marriage isn't official, because they aren't related by law. But I don't know whether there's a special name for unofficial in-laws.

You are wrong, most people who aren't at least engaged don't call their significant others' parents their "in-laws".

fylx100 19

Oh, we'll I guess I'm just different. I call them mom and dad lol I guess it's because I've been with my boyfriend for so long that I feel like his family is also my family. Sorry for the assumption everyone :-P And thank you #64. At first I created this account because I wanted to thumb people up and it was frustrating me that I couldn't do I thought of some FML-Related username. Then it turned out that I could only resist commenting for so long. Lol

fylx100 19

Well* It was autocorrect. I pinky promise lol

AClassActx3 7

I do. Whats the big deal? Nothing, big whoop

No! Most people don't refer to boyfriend/ girlfriends family as in laws! You gotta get married & suffer like the rest of us to have in laws! I take offense to single people using that term!

raraisbang 12

110- really? That's just sad. And she's not single, shes dating the guy, therefor she still has to deal with his parents even if they aren't married. So technically she is "suffering like the rest" of you.

saIty 17

So I guess forgiving her is like going to McDonalds and ordering a salad. That shit is not going to happen.

CountDuk 5

And apparently it would only make things worse using that analogy.

McDonald has salads, don't they? O.o Oh, and to the OP, that's awful but congrats on getting married!

McDonald has salads, don't they? O.o Oh, and to the OP, that's awful but congrats on getting married!

BunchieRules 31

32 - They have them, but why on Earth would you go to McDonald's to get a mere salad, when you could order a Big Mac instead? I'm pretty sure that's what 4 meant. :p

CountDuk 5

Maybe I should clarify: shit that won't help. Never mind...

kaileylovesyew 4

4 and 73: A person would order a salad at McDonald's if their family decided to go there but that person was a vegetarian or was on a diet so they order a salad. I'm a vegetarian so I would know... :D

cadillacgal79 32

I think the salads have more calories than a regular burger, correct me if I'm wrong though.

I'm weird then, because any time a friend, my boyfriend, or my family wants to go to McDonald's I always end up ordering a salad. They're actually pretty good! They're only more calories if you use too much dressing or get fried chicken on top instead of grilled chicken or plain

CountDuk 5

I love your grandma. Gotta keep things interesting! I hope all worked out for you though.

Psych101 9

That's very different than keeping things interesting. It was supposed to be a special moment for OP, and he wanted to share it with his family. However, his own grandma decided to try and ruin it. Much worse than just interesting.

5 - I was expecting Robert Downey Jr. to be in your picture.

That must've been embarrassing. You would've thought that she would've at least had the decency to do the whole song and dance in private.

Old people make me angry. Except for the ones that bake cookies and feed animals in the park.

jem970 19

I'm curious as to how one goes about "deserving" this...

TcheQ 12

By inviting her to the wedding in the first place. Seriously how dumb are people who invite those they don't like.

jem970 19

Family is family. OP could have gotten a lot of crap from his side of the isle of grandma wasn't invited. It's just a thought. But I am being a hypocrite kind of because I know there are certain family members that will not be making it to my wedding list :)

"Haters gonna hate and trollers gonna troll"

amandajlucas2015 2

Grandma is grandma.. If it wasn't for her he wouldn't be alive. In my book she is invited. End of discussion no matter what crazy thing she might do. My grandpa has a mouth on him an he is always invited

Amanda - It's true family is important, but there's no law stating that a crazy woman who is guaranteed to ruin a beautiful occasion must be invited. If I were in that situation, grandma would have been asked to stay at home to watch reruns of Matlock.

Revan501 15

What's that in your picture doc?

It's three shards of glass lodged into a teenager's foot.

I_Hug_Cats 26