By yawho - 25/02/2009 07:25 - Japan

Today, a customer that I've been waiting on for years came into the restaurant after a long absence. I said to him, "Hey man, it looks like you lost a lot of weight! How'd you do it?" He replied, "I got cancer." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 378
You deserved it 9 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch! But there's no way you could've known that. After that, I think the only thing to say was "I'm sorry to hear that. How are you doing now?"

LOL When I first read this, by "waiting" I thought you meant, "waiting for him to come back"... not "waiting" as in "serving food"... hahaha FAIL for me.


Ouch! But there's no way you could've known that. After that, I think the only thing to say was "I'm sorry to hear that. How are you doing now?"

LaceyCakes 0

Okay she had to have noticed that he was sick cus I've known people who have going through that and there's no way you couldn't have noticed.

simron_15 3

OP said after a long absence. Context clues work miracles

LOL When I first read this, by "waiting" I thought you meant, "waiting for him to come back"... not "waiting" as in "serving food"... hahaha FAIL for me.

BadPinkKitty07 0

lol unfortunately, I thought the same thing.

crew279 0

bahaha that is a fail as well as your failure arm muscles...

Beki_luvs_u 0

haha I was thinking that too

OUCH!!! thats gotta hurt :( u must have felt so bad... but u couldnt have known! so i guess its ohk..

Okay, those of you saying that she is wrong, she was trying to COMPLIMENT him. She has every right to talk to a customer and be friendly, and most people would like to hear something like this. She had no way of knowing that this customer was sick.

holynemesis1208 3

so if I want to lose weight I should get cancer? sick, I'm buying a carton of cig's right now!

Sootie247 12

Your actually retarded. No one should want or deserve cancer.. Do you know how terrible it is? 8/10 times it kills people, and it is horrible to go through with the radiation and needles. Your basically saying you want to die.if you want to die, i'll run you over in a truck, please? You sick person. My dad smokes and he hasn't got cancer neither has my grandma's. So your wrong, let me know if i can run you over with a truck. Cancer's horrible to have, you should definitely not wish for it, definitely when overs would dream to have a life like you or me.. Think what you have.

bungholemcgee 11
redonkulon 2

I don't understand people who think 'their' life is fuct when someone ELSE gets cancer. That person's life may or may not be depending on remission status. So many cancer survivors these days. Good for them.

rayrayy_fml 0

...Well, the OP really couldn't have posted, "Today, I waited on this guy with cancer, FHL."