By Cynical - 30/03/2009 03:49 - United States

Today, I was in my room with the door locked and my mom knocked on the door. I said "don't come in, i'm naked!" She said "That's okay!" so she unlocked the door and walked in. I was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 168
You deserved it 37 092

Same thing different taste


Changeling 0

Well...did you stop or just keep flogging it?

Are you from Kentucky? This sounds a lost like your mom is into incest.

lmfao @19 I love that image. Omg hahahaha. #21: It's the same with me with my Mom. She just really doesn't seem to care. OP: I am so sorry... some parents just suck!

I'm time dont masturbat in your it in the bathroom

17Master 0

If you don't want to get caught masturbating, put your shorts/pants back on when you hear someone at the door. Then, if they come in anyway, don't let them see your play hand.

flippride808 0

haha that happened to me many times dont feel bad (:

lol #5 as right as you might be...your very wrong. Who the hell goes "hang on mom im masturbating and im probably about to get off. Do you mind not ruining it?" nah. just doesnt sound right. oh, and parents? if we say dont come in, dont come in.

LOL @ that's ok. WTF???? ofc she's ok with you being naked in front of her but maybe you aren't?????

usernamegoeshere 0