By trainE - 30/03/2009 02:08 - United States

Today, I was masturbating in my room when my dog started to bark obnoxiously. He does this all the time so I ignored it and kept going. This went on for about a half hour. When I went downstairs, I found an open door and an empty TV stand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 343
You deserved it 94 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments


JoshBuescher 0

its not your fault,i would have done the same thing.

so now you can't get pay-per-view to Jack off to lol

yeah it's not your fault at all!! xD sorry to hear about your TV

im surprised your dog didnt bite his assss

Should've gone downstairs with your volcano gun.

You did not know, but it might make a good excuse for the parents...

JoshBuescher 0

what you get when you ignore your dog...

When you have a dog that barks at every person,car or animal that walks by, you tend to start ignoring the constant barking...

What do you say when you see your TV floating away in the middle of the night?