By Cynical - 30/03/2009 03:49 - United States

Today, I was in my room with the door locked and my mom knocked on the door. I said "don't come in, i'm naked!" She said "That's okay!" so she unlocked the door and walked in. I was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 166
You deserved it 37 092

Same thing different taste


1. Technically she was telling the truth 2. Give her a little FALCON PUUUUUNCH next time =p

get dressed? or how about hide under the covers. just hope it doesn't turn out like american pie scene on the grandma or the teddy bear. lol

breaksprinter_ 0

wow, fyl. that's embarassing. did you get "the talk"? lol.

lickmyface 0
davidlonghorn 0

well at least you can look at it this way: she probably wont do it again... probably... ;)

I hate when parents do that >> I don't have a lock on my door and my mom doesn't even effing knock!

^ lmao, yeah no shit, unlocks from the outside? I always say that to my mom, and she ALWAYS opens the door, maybe you should ********** when no one is home, or at least do it leaning on your door. or, stop masturbating when she knocks?

TheNameless_fml 0

From the sounds of it, your mother probably would have done the same thing even if you had said "Don't come in, I'm masturbating!"