By Anonymous - 22/07/2017 05:29 - United States - Irving

Today, my dad unlocked the bathroom door and barged in without warning only to catch me, with no clothes on, masturbating. He said, "sorry" but stayed for another 20 seconds to look for his shampoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 166
You deserved it 1 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he didn't critique your technique. "Son, if you use the overhand grip, you'll get tennis elbow!"

And that's why most people don't put keyed doors in bathrooms


And that's why most people don't put keyed doors in bathrooms

If it's not a keyed door, it's usually easier to get into. Either use a coin or use a bobby pin.

At least he didn't critique your technique. "Son, if you use the overhand grip, you'll get tennis elbow!"

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Eh, dad's done this before in his life, he's chill with it. He gets bonus points for nonchalantly searching for the shampoo.

I just hope your a guy as well, other wise it become twenty time more awkward...

Well it does display a guy under the message.

Well he thankfully didn't offer you a hand ?

nononsense14 8

He probably didn't even realise. What brand of shampoo does he use? Must be pretty amazing to need it that badly...

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Dude (or Dudette), he didn't need his shampoo while you were in the shower. He was checking you out. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.