Just a question

By Anonymous - 14/12/2019 14:00

Today while I was about to go into the shower, my mom walked in on me while I was naked. She looked down and asked me if I was cold. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 071
You deserved it 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if OP is accurately identified by the indicated female gender icon on this post, then I presume that her mom noticed her two chest-high (below eye level) Turkey-is-Done-Baking "thermometers" popping up....

Did your dick have such "significant shrinkage" that you had to choose the non-penis-having gender avatar?


manb91gb 15

"Nah, you just didn't grow me properly"

Did your dick have such "significant shrinkage" that you had to choose the non-penis-having gender avatar?

Well, if OP is accurately identified by the indicated female gender icon on this post, then I presume that her mom noticed her two chest-high (below eye level) Turkey-is-Done-Baking "thermometers" popping up....

I am in love with the way you just described nipples.

I had to add this FML to my favorites simply because of your innovative way to describe nipples.