By Cynical - 30/03/2009 03:49 - United States

Today, I was in my room with the door locked and my mom knocked on the door. I said "don't come in, i'm naked!" She said "That's okay!" so she unlocked the door and walked in. I was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 168
You deserved it 37 092

Same thing different taste


strawberryswirl 0

This happened to me, except it was my dad and I was changing my tampon. What's the point of knocking if you're just going to barge in anyway?

allison406 0

Lollllll. That's terrible. But, you should've stopped when she knocked on the door.

TalkCuntyToMe 0

ew my mom does this to me too. the other day i was taking a bath, and she comes in while im naked and starts to clean the bathroom. i told her can you please do this another time and she goes it will only take a minute. WTF?

fcuk_mylife 0


JavaAnyone 0

i love how matter-of-factly you say u were masturbating.

Why is the lock on the outside of your room? and how did you plan on getting out if you were locked in?

i guess she just wanted to see you naked