Heavy rotation

By Anonymous - 12/05/2022 10:00

Today, I went to my friends-with-benefits's house as planned. My phone was on do not disturb so I missed the message half an hour before I was supposed to be there, asking to come tomorrow. I arrived and he had another chick there. Most awkward encounter, being asked to leave when she was the last minute plan, not me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 602
You deserved it 1 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you need to quit that guy before you catch something. he's not worth it.

Too late -- it looks like she's already caught feelings.


you need to quit that guy before you catch something. he's not worth it.

Too late -- it looks like she's already caught feelings.

You may be A FWB, but you're not THE BFWBF. If your FWB gave you an FML, maybe you're just pretending to be an FWB when you really want to be an SO.

Technology is not perfect if you fail to use it properly. But since you were there, I'm surprised ya'll didn't hook a threesome.

So what? It's not like an actual relationship. Just **** more guys.