By scubai - 14/01/2010 20:36 - United States

Today, I was giving my boyfriend head. As I was beginning to enjoy and really get into it, I heard him say, "Oh my god, this is good shit." I looked up sexily, only to find that he was eating a Twinkie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 583
You deserved it 5 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Both of you were eating a delicious snack filled with cream. He was just seeing how it was for you!


xvxblackdahlia 0

hhehe. that reminds me of last month.... so much fun :p. hilarious

hey you and your bf have something in common, you both like cream in your mouth.

soreeee butt i woulda took that twinkie, bit it in half and been lyke "dis iz wat ima do tha nextt tyme u askk 4 some pleasure,"

Calculate900 4

That was the funniest thing I've read all night. I'd expect this to appear in a commercial or something.

AHAH definitely. you should be the ingenious future commercial creator

Hello_Zombie 0

I'm pretty sure there was an FML comment that said something like "when you're g/f decides to give you a ******* it's not a good idea to be eating a twinkie when she tries to look up at you sexily"

Head and Twinkies? At the same time? Where do I sign up?!

bitch got a attitude!! shut up and continue !!!

danielleeycakes 3

lmao.!! xD I could so totally see my boyfriend doing that.1

epic fail lol that made me crack up 