By Porkchop05 - 06/09/2009 05:44 - Canada

Today, trying to be sexy I was sucking on my boyfriends fingers. I was really starting to turn him on, when I noticed something crunchy in my mouth. Turns out, he went digging for treasure up his nose earlier. I found the treasure in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 999
You deserved it 14 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YoshiTimex3 0

i never knew boogers are crunchy . though one time my brother had a booger in his finger nails & decided to flick it .. i was staring at him w/ my mouth open ... guess where it went ?


wow that's nasty lol first!!! lol just sayin it cause everybody else does

first is the worst, second is the best! Though I'm not really second... but it looks like I am :) And isn't this like exactly the same story someone posted as a comment on another FML, talking about someone's wife being 38 years old and picking her nose? Does anyone else remember that?

tubaguy42 0

That's not what that FML was about. The OP was just commenting that the fml was that booger-picking existed at that age. In this one, she got someone else's boogers in her mouth.

No, I mean one of the COMMENTS on that FML told this one's exact same story, except the woman in that comment threw up after. Hahaha.

first is the worst , second is the best , & third is the one with the treasure chest ;) LOL

I was eating a green posicle when I read that... I had to throw it out :( *gag*

wow ew. that is disgusting but you should've been looking!!

rayquaza5000 4

2, yes because when I always look for boogers on adults fingers.

youaresofucked 0

WHO THE **** PICKS THEIR BUTT?! I think YOU probably do. OP YDI for being a blind douchebag.

hahafylop 4

youaresofucked do you take anger management classes? if not you should start. but really, who does pick there butt???!?

I think I just threw up in my mouth

blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp. (Also, blerp.)

YoshiTimex3 0

i never knew boogers are crunchy . though one time my brother had a booger in his finger nails & decided to flick it .. i was staring at him w/ my mouth open ... guess where it went ?

If you added today and fml on that statement it'd prolly go through

nichole818 5

88. The word you're looking for is probably. Idiot.

hella_elyse 0

Oh my god, YDI though! Men can be gross you should have known what you were getting yourself into from the beginning. Think about if he picks his nose like that, where else have his fingers been all day? Probably scratching himself and everything. I hope you gargled some mouth wash REAL good after that!

Oh right, because ALL guys are hygiene-phobic pigs who don't know how to take care of themselves /eye roll

I agree with #8, way to be sexist. Besides, do you really think only guys pick their noses? I don't, but I'm sure it's not a habit solely found in the male gender. Really, all humans have noses, and unhygenic girls *do* exist out there.

#7 your a ******* idiot. kill yourself bitch. every guy i know, myself included, have self respect and keep ourselves clean and yes we itch ourselves but we aren't some kind of animal. grow up dipshit

hella_elyse 0

You guys must have failed to read my post right. I didn't say ALL men are pigs. I said men CAN BE gross. But if you'd like me to be sexist how about this... What sex itches their crotch shamelessly in public the most? Men. And I don't know about the femme men but a MAN gets his hands dirty throughout the day doing even the smallest household chores. Don't get so pushed out of shape because I speak the truth.

gurlgurlgurl 0

lol don't be such a douche. I don't think there is anything wrong with guys, but you just show that guys like you are all super judgmental assholes. Way to go.

hahafylop 4

hella_elyse you are a dumbfuck some girls can be unhygienic too where did you write that in the post?

Hella Stop being a bitch people like you disgust me, yes disgust me stop acting like everyone thinks of you as not gross because you look gross by your profile pic, and i would never say this unless someone was being a complete asshole

Dump your boyfriend for that one. Seriously, that's disgusting.

Wow, you believe in true love. Dumping for something like that...Age? 14?

why would she lose her relationship over a boger i mean its gross bit comeon dump him?

dump him? seriously?! damn you are definitely one of those girls who over exaggerate too much.

it's totally gross! but not FML-ish... I'd rather say FHisLife for grossing you out and probably making you never do that again

I just threw up a little in my mouth. ... partially from the post and partially because scrolling through pimpin88's posts always induces motion sickness. Love your work pimpin.

EWW that's very gross... now u know, wash it before u suck it