By scubai - 14/01/2010 20:36 - United States

Today, I was giving my boyfriend head. As I was beginning to enjoy and really get into it, I heard him say, "Oh my god, this is good shit." I looked up sexily, only to find that he was eating a Twinkie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 583
You deserved it 5 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Both of you were eating a delicious snack filled with cream. He was just seeing how it was for you!


I think he was just in an ecstacy that a man gets only when he's getting blown while eating a ******* amazing twinkie. I envy that man at the moment.

u need to work on ur method....ur bf shouldn.t be able to thiunk bou anything else when you're giving him head

sdfan1995 0

does ur boybriend hve a huge and hairy penis

smrtblkguy 0
RaRa_15 0

dude! this tops them all lmao!!

xiRawrx 0

sure he's not like... gay >_>?

hahaha holy **** hilarious! YDI lmfao FYL thi shit made my day bahahahah

in his defense Twinkies are soooooooo goooooooood. i'm gonna go buy some today. i haven't had any in 4 years lol and ur head game must be TERRIBLE...practice on popsicles and maybe try a few tongue trix and deep throating...or next time take the Twinkie cream, smear it on his dick then suck it off. kiss him afterwards, he'll love that! ;)

have you ever wanted to do two awesome things at once,

WhatTheFudgeO_o 0

This is hilarious! It's not an fml, more of a wtf rolfmao sort of thing. If I were you, I would have burst out laughing right there. XD