By scubai - 14/01/2010 20:36 - United States

Today, I was giving my boyfriend head. As I was beginning to enjoy and really get into it, I heard him say, "Oh my god, this is good shit." I looked up sexily, only to find that he was eating a Twinkie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 583
You deserved it 5 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Both of you were eating a delicious snack filled with cream. He was just seeing how it was for you!


A twinkie is like a dick, both long and cream filled. Maybe it was some underlying sexual desire for him. He seems to like the creamy taste. "Your boyfriend is gay"

thelittlebeast01 0

someone needs to get bigger lips

nae_nae7890 0

I would've stopped and got my own Twinkie =

splarf1991 0
beefstew3000 0

im am sorry but that is ******* funny

riotbby 0

maybe you should learn to give head better ;D

MegNGreg 0

hahaha. xDDD twinkies r amazing.

breannomills 0

OH MY GOD I ******* LOVE YOUR BOYFRIEND. I seriously can't stop laughing. this made my day :3