By jessica - 02/02/2011 20:59 - United States

Today, while my boyfriend and I were having sex, he stopped, got off, walked into the kitchen grabbed a doughnut, and came back to finish while he ate it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 361
You deserved it 7 465

Same thing different taste


snuu_man 0

what you two have is really special!

YDI for not having a sandwich prepared for him

I like sex, I like doughnuts. I fail to see a problem here...

haha lol apparently a doughnut is enough to make OP's sex better lol I think she should improve so they don't get replaced for a sandwich next time xD

indeed it is special. I mean how many men actually go to the kitchen for food?

nlr 9

how so you know he's a cop? do you know them?!

You are missing the joke you son of a bitch!!! Hold me back!! Hold me back!!! We cool? We cool.

AmandaNAckles 0

Speaking of cops… I think it's illegal to have your cat's caboose so close to your face!

it's illegal for a man to have that big of an object in his mouth too!!

Never has there been more win performed my one man.

FYLDeep 25

#5 You let your man act like that though? Some people might see it as disrespectful.

^ don't know why this posted here, sorry

TheDrifter 23

I guess sploshing with doughnuts never crossed your mind before that? Sounds like you two are going to have a very messy love life.

Darko21 5

He meant splooshing, jizzing, or the simplest form 'cumming.'

TheDrifter 23
TheDrifter 23

Sploshing, slang for sexual or sensual use of food on the human body. Try google or urban dictionary. I had no idea that fmlers were so sheltered.

AbyoErui 0

I do have one question. Is he climbing in your window? I'm curious because I want to know if he's snatching your people up

hide your kids hide your wife, hide your kids hide your wife!

poppinzilla 0

instead of doing all that I would have just called up pizza hut and ordered bread sticks

saraheve1188 5

at least you weren't in the car having sex while he was doing a donut.

errr.....that would be just a tad bit freaky.....

FYLDeep 25

Did he glaze those doughnuts himself?

he ate them. and he would be gay if he did but her name was Jessica so I don't think he's gay. I mean, hey maybe he is