By Anonymous - 10/09/2009 16:36 - United States

Today, I was driving in the left lane and was suddenly hit by a woman who was in the right lane. I ran off the road, taking out a fence and totaling my car. When the cops asked the woman what happened she responded, "My tom-tom told me to turn left." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 372
You deserved it 2 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Another way technology is trying to destroy human kind.


the women's driving comments are only a response to the growing amounts of misandry/men bashing of today, lichen. But both sides are idiots anyway. Men are not the enemy, and women aren't either. We're really not much different.

lichen_fml 0

If you can't tell the difference between exasperation at the ignorance on this website and large scale misandry, I'm sure the fight for equality will not miss you.

Like in The Office when Micheal drives into a lake 'cause the GPS said so!

crzygrl90218 0

Rofl that is great just fantasticvsorry about the car =^(

Hey, at least the other driver stuck around and didn't drive away.

cd_130 0

That just proves men are better at driving then women !!!!! Haha

Vilen1025 0

I laughed my ass off at this.

bai_ley20 0

wow. i love how like, over half of the comments are stereotypical. fml comments never stay on track. lol.

takeastop 0

haha, hope you have a good relation ship and don't end up posting another fml about your relation ship