By Anonymous - 10/09/2009 16:36 - United States

Today, I was driving in the left lane and was suddenly hit by a woman who was in the right lane. I ran off the road, taking out a fence and totaling my car. When the cops asked the woman what happened she responded, "My tom-tom told me to turn left." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 372
You deserved it 2 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Another way technology is trying to destroy human kind.


Hahaha. I think I should leave my picture and name as is but change my profile to say "Mr." instad of "Miss". Confusion = lulz.

aaaaa12345_fml 0

all women are terrible drivers

dhkb1337 0

Dude if sorry about that but if she was indian you reserved the right to punch her in the mouth because we all know they can't drive so they deserve it

Actually a lot of Tom-Toms seem to be horribly innaccurate in several different areas, once it told me to drive off the side of a mountain in NC, no joke...but still the lady is a moron for not actually paying attention to the road.

Wow, if you would've driven off the side of a mountain, that would have sucked for you. o.o

wheres feminist19 at? shed love this. anyway, either sex some of us do suck at driving. except hermaphrodites. Their awesome all the time! poor op, hopefully shell either drive off a mountain, or get her licence revoked. hopefully mountain though.

Is this woman by any chance Michael Scott? Because that sounds like something he would do because technology told him to.

Miss_Q 0

Wtf? I posted something like this in july and it didn't get posted.