Classic scam

By Anonymous - 01/07/2017 06:00 - United States - New Hyde Park

Today, I was driving when a woman started crossing the street against the light at the upcoming intersection, so I slammed on the brakes and stopped short of hitting her. That's when she intentionally jumped onto my car and started screaming that I had "mowed her down". The cops believed her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 243
You deserved it 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask if there are cameras on that street and see if you can get the footage pulled if so. Also, crash forensics should help you out- the damage to your car shouldn't be a match for the damage that actually would have occurred had you hit her.

And that's why you invest 30 bucks for a dashcam! Americans are notorious for sueing people for stupid reasons to get some easy cash! Also these scams are highly populair in China and Russia, just go to youtube and see for yourself!


And that's why you invest 30 bucks for a dashcam! Americans are notorious for sueing people for stupid reasons to get some easy cash! Also these scams are highly populair in China and Russia, just go to youtube and see for yourself!

LeoCor 19

Actually American's are notorious for being stupid... not just suing..

this is more notorious in either Japan or China. I forget which, but apparently if you get hit by a car, the driver has to pay your insurance the rest of your life

Dash cams are useful! I recommend doing some research before deciding which one to get though. Mines a couple hundred (HD videos where you can see license plates, GPS enhanced that records speed, etc), but I rather pay that amount that a few thousand when someone decides to blame you when you're innocent, and/or pay even more than I already do for insurance.

Ask if there are cameras on that street and see if you can get the footage pulled if so. Also, crash forensics should help you out- the damage to your car shouldn't be a match for the damage that actually would have occurred had you hit her.

Yeah, would there not be damage to your car? Where's the bruises on her? Being "mowed down" would have flung her or pushed her off the car onto the pavement. You had seriously better fight this, look for security footage and hire a lawyer. You could lose your licence and possibly get hit with an extreme bodily harm charge. When an accident happens and someone tries to pin it on you, stay calm and collected and try not to freak out, because if there is two people freaking out, they're going to side with the victim. Innocent until proven guilty.

bigtwobah 6

There must have been some witnesses.

This is why dash cams should be a must.

Crap like this is why I think dash cams should come standard in new vehicles

HalfLit 17

I live in New York too. Even if OP really did hit her, even if she freaking died, if she wasn't at a crosswalk, he's innocent. It happened to someone on my street. Girl got hit by a car jay walking, she had severe injuries, and yet she ended up having to pay the driver for emotional distress because she was the one initially breaking the law.

Man, such stuff really sucks, hope you get through it. Anyways, I agree with the other people, higher a laywer and fight her claim, afterwards get a dashcam.

Don't worry, it's likely nothing will come from it. My mum did actually get bit while crossing on the crosswalk with the little green guy active and never got even a sorry from the bitch that hit her.