By Anonymous - 10/09/2009 16:36 - United States

Today, I was driving in the left lane and was suddenly hit by a woman who was in the right lane. I ran off the road, taking out a fence and totaling my car. When the cops asked the woman what happened she responded, "My tom-tom told me to turn left." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 372
You deserved it 2 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Another way technology is trying to destroy human kind.


icertainlysuck 0

this FML is so fake. Everyone knows a woman isn't allowed to drive. Or have the liberals given them that too?

HAHAHA. Everyone read #141 and laugh at his stupid ass! I don't know who's dumber, the girl who crashed the car or him. Honestly...

yellowfdDriver 0
theshinepolice 0

this doesn't prove men are better drivers than women. the fml never said " and then a man who was really kickass at driving drove by". and who cares if men are statistically better at driving. some things men are statistically better, and at other things im sure women are statistically better. and there are plenty of cases where people are outliers of these statistics. no big deal. and that woman who didn't pay attention to the road is obviously an idiot, but that is only one case, people of both sexes can be idiots, even men when it comes to driving.

Escapist28 0

I'd like to see what statistics you're looking at

theshinepolice 0

well i don't really know which sex is statistically better at driving, but it really doesn't matter. there are only 2 sexes and a bunch of things that can be statistically analyzed, so chances are women prevail in some of these things and men do in others. so if one sex is statistically worse at driving, there are plenty of things they will be statistically be better at, and that doesn't mean sexes can't defy stats. and this FML was about the women who turned early being an idiot, so this FML doesn't really prove much other than what the driving skills of that one woman are. and im not trying to be feminist, it could be true women are worse, but should they really not be allowed to drive like some say? i dont think so. i've heard women are better at talking and mutlitasking. so should men only be allowed to do one thing at a time and always be quiet? all sexes should be able to do the same things (of course, physical things like peeing standing up and giving birth are things are some exceptions). because no matter what, people of both sexes will do well in all tasks, and people of both sexes will **** up at tasks, women AND men BOTH. well this is getting longer than i planned so im just going to stop here.

elfuzzo 0

Why were you driving on the left side of the road? In the US, you're supposed to drive on the right side. YDI for thinking you're in England.

are you retarded or can you not read? OP obviously stated that they were in the left lane not left side. You get a nice free facepalm.

elfuzzo 0

Yeah. The left lane is the lane on the left side of the road.

Wow are you serious. Have you never been on a road that had more then two lanes? You know the ones where there are two lanes on your side and two lanes for the people on the opposite side?

You my friend have earned a nice fat-ass facepalm for your retardation. Please consider the intelligence of others when posting. You have significantly reduced the intellect of many people with that stupid comment. For that answer I award you no points and may God have pity on your soul.

theshinepolice 0

billy madison? haha i thought of that movie when i read this. :]

HAHAHA Dipshit #166 got rocked. You're an idiot. There's something called a one way street with multiple lanes, EG, downtown Chicago, ISU, Elk Grove, I'm sure they're everywhere. You're an idiot for saying the OP deserves it. And you deserve worse.

antonioohama 0

To the idiotic woman with the Tom-Tom: Tom-Toms are not replacements for real human vision and you should pay more attention to the road than to it. Honestly, idiots these days…

u shud have gotten the hot cup of coffee that the other stupid women sued about and threw it in the woman's face.

Lol, what a dumb bitch. The TomTom chick I mean, not the FML chick.