By Anonymous - 10/09/2009 16:36 - United States

Today, I was driving in the left lane and was suddenly hit by a woman who was in the right lane. I ran off the road, taking out a fence and totaling my car. When the cops asked the woman what happened she responded, "My tom-tom told me to turn left." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 372
You deserved it 2 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Another way technology is trying to destroy human kind.


Gavik 0

This is why women don't have rights.

So tom tom told you to turn left and hit a person. So if tom tom told you to take a right of a cliff would you do that too?

You can bet your ass she will. Her Tom-tom's never wrong.

Don't GPS's usually tell you to stay in a certain lane to turn? Just so this doesn't happen?

It's just a GPS, not some miracle Lets-Turn-Women-Into-Good-Drivers device.

Well on the good side, her response was basically admitting that she was at fault. Hope she has good insurance

Escapist28 0

My boyfriend's GPS told me to turn right while I was on a bridge, 100 feet above the water. It's like Simon Says, people. Don't let your guard down, because they're out to get you.

testing_fml 0

Please tell me you're kidding. Tom-Tom brand GPS's.

oh well im not american so i never heared of it,also im a drummer :]