By Anonymous - 09/02/2016 11:28 - United States - Lansing

Today, I took my girlfriend out for a romantic dinner, since we can't see each other this Valentine's Day. Halfway through, my aunt called, telling me my grandma had died. I had to leave because I was crying so much, leaving my girlfriend with a very pricey bill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 991
You deserved it 4 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just pay her back later, it was something serious it wasn't like you were ditching her Sorry to hear about your grandma too :(

Rawrshi 25

Sorry for your loss, OP. I'm sure your girlfriend understands.


Rawrshi 25

Sorry for your loss, OP. I'm sure your girlfriend understands.

C_Sizzle247 11

If she really cares about you I'm guessing she'll understand. And you can always just pay her back.

Personally I was thinking if she cared a lot she would have gone with him to try and comfort him, or that's at least what I will do for a girl but people are different, sorry op.

I agree. Why did she not leave with the OP

Isa_fml 20

She might not have wanted that. Some people need to be alone.

It seems #84 is correct, OP is a female. maybe the family doesn't approve of that relationship and that's why the girlfriend couldn't go with her.

If she truly loves you she won't mind. Hope everything is ok though.

Unless your girlfriend is heartless im sure she understands. Family is important.

Just pay her back later, it was something serious it wasn't like you were ditching her Sorry to hear about your grandma too :(

Oh my that's awful! So sorry for your loss OP! I'm sure your girlfriend understands.

I'm so sorry for your loss! hopefully she understands and you guys can make up the dinner another time

Just pay her back at a later date, OP, it's fine. And my condolences.

I'm sure she'll understand, OP. You can always pay her back later - good luck!

I'm sure she'll understand. You can pay her later. I'm sorry for your loss, OP