Sir Mix-a-Lot's mom

By MomIsJelly - 22/02/2022 22:00 - United States - Staten Island

Today, I noticed that my mom had been hiding all my leggings and yoga pants from me. Upon asking her, she admitted that she was jealous that my butt is bigger than hers, and that when I wear those types of pants, it's like I'm "rubbing it in". FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 216
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's really sad when some mothers get jealous of their daughters and act out. Sorry you're going through this, OP. Tell someone if it gets worse.


It's really sad when some mothers get jealous of their daughters and act out. Sorry you're going through this, OP. Tell someone if it gets worse.

Normally women are jealous of other women for their butts being smaller, not bigger, than their own. Hmmm...